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  I could tell that I would get along very well with Jennifer. She is a little over five foot two with bright curly red hair and a touch of enthusiasm in her personality. The circumstances in which we met were not exactly the best but I grew to like and appreciate her.

At eleven thirty that morning we arrived at the Commissariato P.S San Marco not too far from Jennifer's place. We were welcomed by the receptionist who took our names and asked us to wait for a certain Giovanni Moretti--- a senior inspector.

About twenty minutes later, we were shown to his office and waited another five minutes for his arrival.

"Buongiorno," he shook our hands. He took a seat and proceeded to ask me a few questions.

"I understand that you are Miss Lorelei Hutton, daughter of..." he paused and looked at me.

"Daughter of Laurie Hutton, is that correct?"

"Yes, that is correct." I was stunned at how good his English was. He sounded like a native.

He asked for an ID and passport and in no time we were given two officers to show us where my mother was. We walked about two blocks away from the building and we were finally there. My hands began sweating, my lips became dry and my heart started racing . There was a security guard standing outside the entrance who kindly opened the door for us.

"You have to be strong Lorelei. I know it's hard but please try," Jennifer held my hand.

I could never forget the agony I felt walking down that hall heading to the morgue. The senior inspector had warned us that the body was not in good shape since she suffered numerous injuries. We finally arrived in the room and when they pulled her out, a sharp pain in my chest overpowered me and I fell to my knees.

I had told myself I would save the tears for later but I was wrong. Nothing could stop the pain. Nothing could make it easier. I began to scream and call out to my mother but she just lay there. Quiet. Without a word. We never said goodbye, I screamed. How could you leave me like this? Who's going to love me now?

Jennifer reached out to me but I pushed her away. I wanted to die. I wanted to be with her but she was gone. Gone where I could not go.

When I finally managed to calm down, Jennifer helped me to my feet and I said my final goodbyes. My mother was cremated around two o'clock in the afternoon and by five o'clock we were on our way back to Jennifer's place.

Arriving home, I went straight to the bedroom and cried myself to sleep while holding my mother's ashes. When I awakened, it had grew dark and a slight headache was chewing me up. I tried to get up but I felt weak in the knees so after ten minutes of fighting I managed to pull myself out of the bed. I placed the ashes on the bedside table and went to look for something to drink.

Jennifer had left for work and the house was depressingly quiet. I went to the fridge and helped myself to some water before heading back to my room. I reached for my phone in my purse and I noticed that an unknown number had sent me a message. Who could it be? I thought. I opened the message and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Hello, my name is Alberto Costa. We would like to express our deepest condolences to you and your family. As you may be aware, Palazzo Hotel is holding an event this coming Friday, June 15 and we would like you to attend the event as we commemorate the lives that were lost in that tragic accident. The hotel will be covering all your travel costs and any additional costs during your stay in Lisbon. Please contact me on where to send your ticket and guest card made specifically for you. Thank you."

I don't believe it. How could they invite me to that place? How inhumane.

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