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Now that he had a plan to keep Lorelei safe, Oren felt reassured. He knew his father would not approve of the marriage, and he wasn't surprised when his father rang his doorbell that morning. His father had left him a warning and he planned to take it seriously. After the encounter, he opened a new bottle of scotch, settled into his chair, and drank until he asleep.
   Around two o'clock in the afternoon, he woke up with a headache as he expected. He took the medications from the drugstore and ordered take out. He showered, then dressed in a white raglan sleeve with grey sweatpants.
His phone suddenly rang from his jacket, he picked it and it was Lisa.
"What's up?" He answered the call.
"I'm calling to inform you that Lorelei Hutton has agreed to attend the event in Lisbon. I've booked your flight already. You'll be leaving on Thursday. Everything else has been taken care of."
"You're the best." His joy could be heard from across the phone.
"I know." Lisa hung up.
He was finally meeting the person that occupied his thoughts for some time and nothing could express how happy he felt. He started worrying about how he should introduce himself but when she was finally in front of him, he gave her a cold look.

When Oren landed in Lisbon, he immediately started the preparations for Lorelei to feel as comfortable as she can. He made sure that everything was perfect and that he would leave an impression on her. The day that he was waiting for finally came, a phone call informed him that Lorelei was on her way from the airport. Fear mixed with excitement, that's how he felt. Fear that she might not like him and excitement that he might find her more beautiful.

When Lorelei opened the door to his office and stepped in, his heart definitely skipped a beat. The pictures didn't do her justice, he thought. Her soft brown skin was lighter in the pictures, her hair looked frizzy, when actually, her curls seemed defined and well styled. Her green eyes looked more intense and even though she was wearing casual clothes, he could see her sexy figure. God she's perfect, he thought.
He struggled to hide his feelings which resulted in him giving her a vague stare.
"I've been expecting you. Please have a seat." He managed to disguise the excitement he felt in a calm tone.
"Who are you and why am I here?" Lorelei responded. I wish I could hold her, kiss her and tell her everything, he fantasized which resulted in him getting hard.
It took a while for him to gather his thoughts, finally, he stood up from his chair, approached her and said, "I'm Oren Tremblay, your future husband."

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