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Thomas Tremblay and his wife lived in a Federal-style white brick mansion, situated on a lovely piece of property that borders St Mark's Square. The driver drove up the circular driveway and dropped us off in front of the house.
    The butler opened the door for me and greeted me courteously, then said that Mr. Tremblay was in the sunroom. "It's a pleasant view looking over the water," he explained and we followed him to the entrance while Oren wrapped his arms around me.
     As we walked in, Thomas Tremblay welcomed us from the stairway. "Welcome!" He said. "I'm glad that now we can all live as one ... big ... happy... family." He went on. He came down with great arrogance and grace, then went on to take my hand in his. I struggled to take it back, which ended with Oren giving me a look that made me stop.
       "I hear you're pregnant. Congratulations my dear." He held me in his arms, suffocating me. When I was finally free from his hypocrisy, I gently put my hand on Oren's arm as a sign of tiredness. He quickly understood and we excused ourselves, but before we could head to our room he said, "I would like you two to join me in the sunroom sometime. You won't regret it, I promise." He said those words while looking at me directly.
       I thanked him for letting me stay in his house and apologized in advance for any inconvenience that I might cause in the future.
        For a moment I thought I was going to have a problem. Oren and his father exchanged glances, after which Oren took me to our room and closed the door shut.
        "Just in case the butler comes in and we don't hear him, I'd prefer that he not pick up scraps of our conversation," he said when he sat down besides me on the bed.
       "There are certain rules you need to follow around here," Oren said hastily, "In this house, you don't speak up to your elders. Meaning, if my father says something to you, you need to shut up and listen." I couldn't believe my ears. On top of everything they had done to me, I was also going to be their prisoner.
       "Do you understand me?" His tone had authority. I decided to risk everything and show my cards. There was nothing he could do to me since I had the upper hand. "If you keep this up, I'm getting rid of this child," I said. "You can't do this to me,Lorelei." His voice sounded anxious, I almost felt sorry for him.
      "You started this."
      "I want to protect you. Why can't you let me?" This time, he raised his voice.
       "I never asked for your protection. I don't want anything from you. Nothing."
        "Please, just listen to me." He held my face in his hands. His hands carefully caressing my face, he planted a kiss on my cheek and as much as I hated it, it helped calm my nerves. I placed my hand on his arm, but before I knew it our lips had been locked in a kiss. How I missed his lips on mine, I thought. His hands began to explore the back of my head, and I felt incredibly out of breath.

Why can't I remember to hate him?

I Can't Remember To Hate UUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum