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On the way to the hotel, Oren stopped by the supermarket to pick up some groceries; then he picked up sodas and pretzels, and Ciabatta and peanut butter, in a hole-in-the wall convenience store next to the service station. That was the kind of food he liked to eat when he watched television and while Vivienne puttered around the apartment or the Summer Lake house. She wasn't much of a television watcher, except for a couple of shows like The family feud. She was good at figuring out the answers before the contestants did.
"You should write to them. You should go on the program," he used to tell her. "You'd win all the prizes."
"I'd be a big dummy standing here. If I knew all these people were looking at me, I wouldn't be able to say a word."
"Sure you would. I'd be right there looking at you."
"Sure I wouldn't."

   Sometimes lately he would just think about her, and it was as if she was speaking to him— for instance, when he was about to put the soda and stuff on the counter, he could hear Vivi telling him to get milk and cereal for the morning. "You need to eat right, Oren," she said.
   He liked it when she scolded him.
   She'd been with him when he stopped by the supermarket and the convenience store, but the rest of the way to the hotel, he couldn't see or feel her in the car. He couldn't even see her shadow anymore, but maybe that was because it was dark.
    Arriving at the hotel, he was careful to make sure that there was no one else on the main entrance before he pulled up to the service entrance and pressed in the code.
    He parked his car in the service garage, the way he'd planned it. The area had overhead lights, but even though he knew it couldn't be seen from the main entrance, he didn't want to turn them on. He had a flashlight in his phone he could use, but when he turned off the car's headlights, he found he didn't need it. There was enough moonlight to give light to the area.

When he had got all the stuff out of the car, he made his way through the kitchen where everyone bowed out of respect as he walked towards the elevator. When he finally got to the suite, he struggled to open the door with everything he was holding in his hands. After a while, he was finally able to get in. He placed all the items on the kitchen counter and went straight to Lorelei's room. She must be hungry, he thought. When he knocked on the door, there was no response, so he made his way in.
    He was welcomed by the sound of running water and a faint smell of Lorelei's perfume. He picked up her t-shirt on the bed, sniffed it then put it back. He wanted to have her so bad, he almost took off his clothes. Making his way to the bathroom, Oren struggled to control his desire to have Lorelei right then and there, but when he saw her struggling to turn on the hot water, he almost laughed. How adorable, he thought.
"Press that little button on your left." He said, trying not to laugh. She was startled, so she froze. Gazing at her sensual body drove him even more insane and he got hard. He approached her from behind and he could feel that she was holding her breath. He pressed the button on the left, and said, "you don't have to hold your breath. I won't touch you." Even how you breath drives me crazy, he thought to himself.
"Get out." She sounded offended. He didn't want to upset her so he simply said, "Alright. I'll make dinner. Don't take long." He calmly walked out and closed the door behind him.
When he got to the kitchen, he let out a deep sigh of relief. He run his fingers through his hair, closed his eyes and tried to remember what she looked like naked. "Oh fuck! My dick is about to explode," he said out loud.

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