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Lorelei Hutton. He had found out where she lived. She was living with Jennifer, but that was all he knew. Oren wanted to know more about her plans and possibly if Pauline had tried to contact her.

Now that he had his plan, Oren was feeling calmer. Pauline would have to die first. She wouldn't be easy— she was obviously good at hiding, but once he had her, the trigger would be pulled.

He'd planned to marry Lorelei first but now whichever came first didn't matter. He knew that disobeying his father's orders would have consequences so backing out now was out of the question. He called Jennifer and immediately she picked up.
"What a pleasant surprise Mr. Tremblay." Jennifer sounded pleased by his sudden call.
"Is Lorelei there?" Oren shook off her words.
"No. I'm working at the bar."
"When is she having the funeral?" He sounded genuinely concerned.
"I don't know... I'm not sure... maybe tomorrow."
"I'm sending you money for everything. I trust that this will remain between us."
"Of course. I wouldn't tell a soul about our little affai-." He hung up taking Jennifer by surprise so she said, "you don't know how much your rudeness turns me on. Sooner or later you'll be mine. I promise." She placed a kiss on her phone.

Oren sighed right after hanging up. He knew better than to get involved with her but he had. At first, it was a small price to pay to get what he wanted but gradually she was becoming a threat. Should I just get rid of her? He wondered. Jennifer didn't know about his plans but she knew that he was after Pauline which could jeopardize his whole plan.

When everything was finally over he would live happily with Lorelei and make it up to her for the rest of his life. He swore.
He called Lisa in and asked her to make all the necessary preparations for him to get married in Lisbon, Portugal. Lisa was not surprised since she had known him for a while so she didn't dare question his recklessness.

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