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It felt like a dream to be with Oren, to build a family together, our very own home, to love each other. Maybe there are some people who long only for comfort, but I'm not one of them. Not that I don't want it—I do. I have had my share of failed relationships, even catastrophic blind dates, but after a while, it suddenly felt bothersome.

Love for me is something great, marvelous, wonderful but most importantly, hard to come by. I would love to experience it one day and feel the happiness or even grievances it can offer.

All of the above ran through my head as I put on my clothes the morning after I slept with Oren.

Oren was still sleeping so I tried not to wake him even with the tiniest of sound. I carefully closed the door behind me and made my way to my room to look for my phone. I sat on the bed, scrolled through my feed and I was shocked.

In the world of headlines and breaking news, there's really no time to waste. Articles were making the top search on my marriage with what most of them called the heir of famous billionaire Thomas Tremblay. I looked at the comments and as I had predicted, most were negative things being said about me. I decided to overlook it and call Jennifer. When she answered, by the sound of her voice I could tell that she had just woken up. She yawned.

"Hi Lore. You didn't call me when you landed, is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine. I wanted to call you yesterday but a lot has happened...I don't even know where to start."

"How about you start from the beginning?" My lips tightened. "Yesterday I... got married."

"What? To who? What happened? Tell me everything."

"I don't know if you've heard of him. His name is Oren Tremblay. He's the son of Thomas Tremblay— the Palazzo Hotel owner."

For a moment Jennifer was silent. "I... I have to go." Her tone sounded anxious, troubled even. Was the news that shocking? I wasn't sure.

"I know this is shocking to you but there's a reason I did it. I'll explain the details later."

"I don't know what to say." Jennifer's voice suddenly became cold and distant which puzzled me even more. I expected a reaction but this was really strange.

"Be careful Lore. Don't let that man close to you."

"Why?" Now her words became even more mysterious. Why was she warning me about him? Did she know him?

"Trust me. That guy is dangerous. I can't say much right now but hopefully we can talk when you come back."

I decided not to ask any more questions since I felt like Oren might wake up soon.

"Alright. I'll see you when I get back." I hung up.

As soon as I got off the phone, I heard Oren step out of his room. He made his way to mine and surprisingly knocked before entering. I stood up from the bed and approached him.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Uh-yes, I did." He was acting as if nothing happened which kind of bugged me.

"Do you... want something to eat?" His hesitation threw me off and I began to wonder if he actually valued what had happened between us.

"What happened last night was a mistake. Let's make sure it never happens again." I admit that my words sounded harsh but it had to be said.

"Is this something you do quite often?" Something about how he said those words felt offensive.

"I beg your pardon!"

"Why do you sound so offended? You're the one who sleeps with any man that treats you-" I couldn't let him finish that sentence so I slapped him.

"I think we're done here. Get out."

Everything was an act. His words, his kisses, his care. Everything.

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