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It wasn't a question of if Lorelei found out the truth. It was when she'd find out that bothered Oren. He thought about it a lot. His father was out of the way, but if she decided to leave him, he'd probably force her to stay. She had been through so much and he didn't want to add to that pain.
  There were still some things— some people— he had to take care of, but once he'd done what he had to do, then he would beg Lorelei for forgiveness. For just a minute Oren was tempted to do it now.

  Lorelei had refused to shake his hand when he extended it, which hurt him. When she finally agreed to sit down and talk, he was relieved. He could read all the questions she had just by looking at her.
"Why am I here Mr. Tremblay?" She spoke with such hostility that it sounded sexy to him. He had been called "Mr. Tremblay" before but not like this. This was music to his ears.
"You don't have to call me that. Oren is fine." He tried to ease the tension by making himself sound friendly.
"It's Mr. Tremblay to me." She glared at him and abruptly he chuckled. God, she's hot, he thought. He wanted to rip everything off of her and make love to her like a mad man. He loved that she wasn't afraid of him and not even once did she show that she was interested in him.
  "So that's how it's going to be huh? I thought that approaching you nicely was a good idea but I guess I was wrong. It looks like you chose the hard way." Oren loosened his tie, took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, he hoped to  impress her with his physique.
The look on her face was unexpected but he understood why she was alarmed.
  "You don't think I'm going to take you by force, do you? I'm a lot of bad things but I could never force a woman in bed." Especially with my looks, he told himself. She didn't seem to believe his words, so he smiled. He loved the fact that she was easy to read and for a minute he even found her quite gullible. "I'm not scared of you." Lorelei said. She's so cute, he thought. His heart was beating fast from mere words which excited him even more. "Well... you should be, because when you walk out of this room you'll be Mrs. Lorelei Tremblay." He wanted to provoke her.
  "Are you crazy? Why would I marry a guy like you? Much less a guy I barely know. It's completely absurd." A guy like me? He wanted to provoke her but now she had provoked him instead, so he decided to stop playing nice and hit her where it hurts the most. "I heard that you were looking for your aunt. Don't you want to see her?" He knew it was wrong to bring up her aunt but she had offended him and he wasn't happy about it.
  "How do you know my aunt?" Her eyes grew wide. He had managed to bring her pride down so he felt accomplished. "If you marry me, I'll tell you where you can find her." Oren felt uncomfortable because he was lying to her. Even if she did marry him, he would have to kill her aunt to keep her safe. His chest tightened.
I really hope you forgive me because now that I have you, I can't... I won't let you go.

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