Chapter 10. Apple Slices

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A few days have passed since the dinner at the Afton's, and of course the family already made plans to invite the L/N's to plenty more dinners; much to Michael's dismay.

His parents haven't forced him to see her as much, which Michael thought was lucky. But every once in awhile he sees Y/N around town. She never went back to the park after that one day, but occasionally he spots her passing by it when she was on a walk.

He would be sat on top of the monkey bars with his friends, laughing about whatever was brought up in conversation. Then he would spot her, usually with earbuds in not paying attention. She never stopped by to greet him, or wave, or even acknowledge his presence as she walked by.
'What a priss, she won't even stop to look at us?  Does this bitch think she's better than me? Whatever.' He would often think to himself.

Sometimes when his friends spotted her nearby they'd yell crude comments to her, Michael would never join in. He couldn't tell if Y/N could hear his friends with her earbuds in, or if she just ignored them. But their comments never phased her.

William and Vera were very adamant about
Y/N coming over more often to see Elizabeth and Evan. They never pressured her though, they understood most teenagers don't like hanging out with young children, but adored the positive influence she gave them. Y/N never turned down their offers, though. For being so against it at first, Y/N would jump at the opportunity to see the Afton children again. And getting paid for it wasn't too bad either.

On this summers day, Elizabeth and Evan would be coming over to Y/N's for a short playdate. Y/N was in the kitchen washing the dishes, her parents were at work so she decided to do them a favor, one less thing they had to do when they got home.

A short knock at the door make Y/N turn her head towards the front door, her hands were completely submerged in the soapy water. She hesitated a bit as she tried to find a towel to dry her hands, but decided to awkwardly call towards the door instead when she couldn't find one, "Come in! It's unlocked!"
To no surprise it was Vera and her children.

"Good morning, Y/N." Vera smiles as the three walk inside, her dark green eyes had an extra spark of life in them today.
"Morning Mrs. Afton," Y/N nodded her head towards her, "You seem in a good mood today."

"Oh yes I am! I'm going to a yoga class today, originally I thought I'd have to miss it. Luckily, Michael took the weight off my shoulders and offered to pick up the kids later. Isn't that sweet of him?"
Y/N gives her nod, "That's exciting, I'm glad Michael stepped up for you."

"He's a good kid," Vera looks around absently, a small bittersweet smile on her pale face, her eyes fixated themselves on the ground. "He just needs a little work..." after a moment of silence she clears her throat. "Anyways...Michael will be here around 3:30 to get the kids, thank you so much for watching them. You're an angel!"

Y/N laughs quietly, "I'm no angel, but you're welcome."
"Don't be so hard on yourself, love." She winks, and with that she walks out the door, leaving Elizabeth and Evan standing in the entryway of the kitchen. Elizabeth was the first to walk over to Y/N and stands beside her, "What are you doing?" She looks up at the teenage girl with a look of curiosity. Her eyes immediately darted to the bubbles floating around in the dish-water.

"I'm finishing up the dishes, afterwards we can play. You two can be picking out a show to watch on the TV, the remotes on the coffee table." She looks down at her and smiles. Elizabeth nodded quickly and grabs Evans hand, leading him to the living room. They hop onto the couch and find a cartoon to watch.

Y/N finishes scrubbing the last plate in the sink and sets it in the drying wrack. She retrieves a towel and dries off her hands. "Hey guys, you want any snacks?" She leans against the kitchen counter. Elizabeth turns around and looks at her over the back of the couch, "Yes please! Apple slices!"

"You Jerk..." Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now