Facts About Making This Book

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Hey! Welcome to the facts section of the book. Here I am listing facts about this book, the inspiration for the book, and other cool snippets of trivia I'm sure you'd all like to know. There is also a Q and A at the end of this section. That being said, enjoy! :)

-The idea for this fanfiction actually took place in the summer of 2020. The plotline was extremely similar to this one. The only reason I didn't post it sooner, was the FNAF fandom was primarily dead at the time.

-The title of the fanfiction was going to be "Far From the Tree," due to the saying "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." (Meaning your mannerisms and morals usually come from your parents, and it's hard to stray away from your biological instincts) another reason for this name was the main focus was Y/N scripted to have more interactions with Michael and more detailed events of her changing him for the greater good. In the end, it would be revealed through Michael's character development that you do not have to be a product of how you were raised, and you could fall far from the tree.

-In the original plot of the book (developed in 2020) Y/N was going to be living with her aunt instead of her mom and dad. This was ultimately changed for convenience.

-Y/N's aunt was going to be named Kate.

-All the bullies were going to have names, Gabe as Bonnie Mask, Issac as Freddy Mask, and Melissa as Chica Mask. That being said, Chica Mask was also going to be a girl.

-The original name of this fanfiction was "Only You Babe," as a reference to a lyric in the song "Dark Red" by Steve Lacy. I actually posted the first two chapters of the fanfic with the title but changed it to "You Jerk" one night, simply because I liked the name better. So to the first 55 readers, you may remember this.

-Michael's zodiac is a cancer, due to his birthday being July 12th.

-Evan is also a cancer, because his birthday is shortly after Michael's.

-Me and Michael share the same birthday.

-One song I would use to describe this book is "Crave you" by Flight Facilities.

-Chica mask's pastor, Chad, is 100% based on the pastor at my private school also named Chad.

-Originally, I planned for the story to end with Michael getting murdered by William for telling Y/N his secret. After seeing everyone already guess the ending in the comments, and being extremely dissatisfied with it, I changed the ending.

Q and A section

Q- Would you ever make a sequel to this book
A- Yes! It's definitely an idea I've had for a while, but I was worried nobody would read it. If you guys would really enjoy a sequel I'd be happy to write one. Comment below if you'd like a sequel.

Q- How do you feel about making chapter 39?
A- Honestly, not dirty at all. I'm entirely used to NSFW work

Q- What were other ideas for the book, if you had any?
A- I can't really say one specific thing for sure considering I had many ideas, but I did mention in the trivia section the many different ideas for it.

Q- Why did you write this book?
A- I've been passionate about this for years. As mentioned earlier, I've had this idea for years now. Michael Afton got really popular on TikTok for a while, so that's why I decided to post it

Q- Will you make bonus chapters?
A- I'd consider it for sure! I might do holiday specials or small one-shots

Q- Will William Afton die?
A- I cannot answer that ;) you have to wait until I reveal that in a potential sequel

Q- Why do you like a Michael Afton?
A- I used to have a crush on a boy similar to Michael. He was rough, a little mean, he even looked like him too. He got into drugs, drinking, skipping school, etc. I always felt like I could change him, but no matter how close we got, I couldn't. I guess subconsciously I like Michael because he reminds me of him.

"You Jerk..." Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now