Chapter 19. Hate-me-not

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"So she's grounded?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Something about not holding up with her chores."
"I wouldn't say she's grounded. Her parents said she can hang out tomorrow, it's just one day."
"Well what's a walk around town without
Y/N? It's no fun."

Y/N was unable to go on her daily hangouts with Michael and his friends. She fell behind on her chores, so as a regulation her parents prevented her from hanging out with them. They were clearly disgruntled, but Michael was the most disgruntled; he couldn't let the guys know, evidently.

The group was taking a stroll around town. It would be a briefer walk than standard without Y/N. They explore new places whenever she's around, it felt wrong to do so without her. They would continue their regular exploring whenever she returned.

"Yeah tell me about it," Bonnie mask chuckled dryly, "Not only is she cool, but she's also hot as fuck."
Chica mask busts out laughing and nods quickly, "Well, a guy needs eye-candy to have the motivation to walk, not my fault her rack sets so nice. What does she expect, me not to look at it?"
"Preach brother!" Freddy mask high-fived him. Michael shoves his hands in his jean pockets and stares at the ground in front of him, he was clearly uncomfortable by this conversation.

"Remember when she went skinny-dipping? Oh my god, her ass was right in my face. I was bricked up, bro." Chica mask nudges Michael, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Michael shoots him a glare, "Knock it off, will you?"
Chica mask rolls his eyes, "What's up with you? Got a stick up your ass or something?"
Michael grumbles, "No bro, not everybody enjoys shoving objects up their asses, unlike you." he looks over at his friends with a scowl, "What is it with you guys and Y/N, you talk about her like a pornstar. I get Chica mask had a porn addiction last Fall but shut the hell up."

"Hey! I got over it once my ma' found the cum sock and made me admit it to my pastor. Youth group was never the same." Chica mask crosses his arms, "It made a nun faint though, that was sick." he snickered quietly.

"Not the point," Michael facepalms, "The point is, what's your deal with her? All of you talk about her like she's your personal blow-up sex doll."
"I'm sorry you don't know how to have fun anymore Michael, but who cares? It's not like it matters."
"Yeah, it fucking does. You guys sound like weird virgins that live in your mom's basement; which will be your near future if you don't shut the fuck up and go get laid." Michael begins feeling bitterness rise in his chest.

"Michael maybe you need to get fucking laid!" Chica mask furrows his eyebrows at the brunette in front of him. "You sound like her god damn dad for fucks sake! Why do you care so much about that bitch?"
Michael couldn't predict what reaction came from him next, without thinking, he shoves Chica mask away from him. "She's not a bitch!"
 The young teen loses his footing, the other two bullies catch him before he falls. "Hey back off man!" Freddy mask gets up in Michael's face, quick to defend Chica mask. Michael presently sends a right hook to the side of his face. "Get the fuck out of my face you asswipe!"

Freddy mask stumbles back and holds his now pulsating cheek, it would undoubtedly leave a bruise by tomorrow. It was no enigma Michael had the most strength out of the group, any blow from him was sure to be remembered. Bonnie mask stares at Michael in disbelief. Chica mask stares at Michael angrily, "Fuck you, Afton! Ever since Y/N came around you've been a total buzzkill, and a piece of shit!" 

Bonnie mask attempts to hold back Chica mask, but he wriggles out of his grasp. He tackles Michael to the ground. Freddy mask and Bonnie mask step back from them, permitting them room to fight. Chica mask was only able to get in a few good strikes before Michael overpowers him. "Y/N isn't a bitch you dick-eating punk!" Michael spat, his eyes were an opaque blue with rage. "She's not yours, and never will be!"

Bonnie mask decided to break up the fight, he practically had to pull Michael off of Chica mask. Michael knew at that moment his friends weren't going to continue hanging out with him after this. In a way, he didn't mind. His anger hazed his mind and all he thought about was Y/N. Blow after blow his mind was locked on Y/N. He needed to protect her, he couldn't let them talk about her like that. He knew his friends would understandably hate him after this, he knew he could never speak to them again, his pride was far too large to allow that. He couldn't stand hearing them talk about Y/N like that. His Y/N.

"You Jerk..." Michael Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now