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It was safe to say that both of us slept soundly for the rest of the night.

Well, at least for the next two hours, that was true.

"Rory, I swear to god if you try to leave this house without shoes one more time!" Aidan yelled from down the hall.

"I don't need them!"

"Rory, you need to go to school with your shoes on!"

"Shoes are stupid!"

A quiet laugh caught my attention. TJ laid with her head on my chest and half-awake eyes. It was clear she had tuned in to the same morning entertainment I was over the great shoe debate.

"Aurora Young put your shoes on right now!"

Although I could not see it for myself to be sure, I was positive the kid was pouting as she strapped on her glow-up running shoes. Aidan let her get away with many things, but as soon as he used her full first name, she knew he was being serious.

"Alright, now let's get a move on before we are even more late!"

TJ moved her finger along the bare skin of my chest, tracing one of the various marks of ink. I always forgot they were there - to be fair, most of them I received when I was in a barely coherent state of mind. Her light touch left a trail of goosebumps behind, sending a slight shiver that ran along my spine.

The front door slammed shut which signalled that Aidan was finally able to get Rory out the door. On a typical morning, Ma was the one who took her to school due to Aidan already being at the auto shop by this hour. Rory was smart - almost too smart for her own good at only six years old - and I would bet any money that she took advantage of her father's lack of knowledge on her normal morning routine.

I had already been awake when Ma and Dad left for his appointment. And recalling that fact made me extremely aware of something. TJ and I were alone - actually alone - for the first time in six weeks.

The silence the two of us remained to lay in was interrupted as TJ lifted her head off my chest. "Morning," she whispered.

"Sleep well?"

The corner of her mouth tugged upward. "I did after your help. How about you?"

"I did until the argument my brother had with a six-year-old this morning."

"I can't lie, they are quite entertaining. But knowing that everyone is out of the house, I'm going to steal this chance and take a shower," TJ said as she slipped out of the bed.

"I might have to copy you and have one after. I forgot how cold it could be waking up in this house."

She walked towards the door and grabbed the towel that hung from the hook. "You're more than welcome to join me," seduction dripped from her tone that she tried to cover with an innocent smile. "You know, if you wanted to we could save some water."

"Save some water?"

"For the environment," she stated as if it were obvious before she exited the bedroom and headed down the hall.

The creaky pipes came alive through the walls as I got out of the bed. I could definitely see myself enjoying a shower together to start my day off - for the environment, of course. Heading out of the bedroom, I was well aware we were fully alone in the house. Yet, I couldn't help but check the main living spaces to confirm. God forbid someone ended up being home and saw the two of us leave the bathroom together post-shower. Regardless of what was about to happen, that would be extremely awkward to explain.

The mirrors were beginning to fog as I entered the bathroom. I stripped from my clothing and pushed aside the curtain. 

"Took you long enough."

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