2 ( Favor )

428 25 2

"No one important, just my classmate... Im Nayeon"

Nayeon... I don't think she's a big name outside of school. She's only notorious for being full of herself. To be fair though, she is pretty.

"Listen up, I've received a favor from Jeongyeon. In return, she'll help in running our business" I announce to everyone.

"What's the favor boss?" 

"She asked if we could kidnap someone alive. I'll be working on this myself, but I need people to go with me"

Everyone stays silent. They don't want to work on a job with no pay. 

"No one? Alright then, I'll do it myself. All I ask from all of you is to clear this place before I get back. I don't want to see a single person when I return. You may return to your activities" I say while turning away to get changed. Thankfully, she's just a student. It won't be hard to convince her to come over.  I can always forcefully take her if she refuses to cooperate.

"Jeongyeon, do you know where I can pick her up?" I ask

"Wait, where 'you' can pick her up? She's a schoolmate, wouldn't she recognize you?"

"You're going to kill her, right? There's no point in covering my face when she can't report me to anyone"

"No... I'm not killing her. Also, why are you doing this job? Can't you ask someone from your team?"

"Nobody wants to help, so I'll do it myself. Besides, it shouldn't be difficult right?"

"She's not much of a fighter, and you could probably take her in any way you want to. She also lives in a dorm near the school, but I don't think she's home right now" 

"I'll look for her on the campus then," I say before ending the call.  Kidnapping her would require me to drag her somewhere else. I can't forcefully take her when there are other students around.

I arrive at the school. It's pretty empty since it's the weekend right now, but I think Nayeon would be here.

I start off by asking some students on where she could possibly be, but they all shake their heads. Nobody has any idea of where Nayeon could be.

Where could someone like her be?

"Excuse me, do you know anyone named Im Nayeon?" I ask a Japanese-looking student. This is it, my last attempt. If she says no, then I'll just have to wait for her outside her dorm.

"Nayeon, she's at the gym right now" she replies. Thankfully, I get some information.

"Thank you so much... your name?"

"Momo, but some people call me Peach"

"Thank you, Momo" 

Peach is her nickname? Could it be because of her... No, that's just perverted.

I run towards the gym since it's getting somewhat late. I might actually have to take her by force if this doesn't go well.

Upon my entry, I don't see any female. This is the only gym we have, but these are all males. I guess she left early and is already at her dorm.

"Are you going to work out? It isn't recommended to work out in a buttoned shirt" the supervisor says.

"No, but I'm looking for Im Nayeon. Is she here?"

"She was, but she left just a minute ago"

"Okay, thanks" How is she always perfectly avoiding me despite searching for her for about an hour and a half?

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now