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"I've missed you" 

Shit, I didn't even mean to say that. I just blurted it out.

Her expression doesn't change though as she continues to stare at me. I don't know what she's thinking anymore.

"How have you been?" I ask and she finally breaks her stare. 

"Sorry, I have to go" She walks past me, without looking at me again.

"Mina, wait! Let's talk... please?"

She stops in her tracks and lets out a sigh.

"We don't have to talk about anything. I don't want you to apologize anymore"

"I won't be. I just want... closure" As much as it hurts to say. It's probably the only way I'll get her to talk to me.

"Closure? Fine, but I don't want to hear anything else from you"

I nod, but in reality, I'm just lying to her again. 

We sit together at the bar counter, a surprisingly empty place despite having a party.

"So... how have you been the past years?" I start, trying to delay as long as possible until we have to goodbye.

"Honestly, it's been great. I'm sure you're familiar with my own business" It's good to hear that she's doing better without me.

"I see. I'm happy for you. How's your mother?" Is that insensitive to ask, knowing what I did?

"She's doing great. And, she doesn't hate you as much as before. I don't know how, but she isn't even mad at you for anything"

"Are you though?" Fuck, this might be insensitive.

"Am I what? Mad at you? No, I'm not" 

"Really? Even after everything?"

"Yes, I forgive you. Compared to other people, you probably hurt me the least" That's not a good thing is it?

"I... don't know how to reply to that"

"You don't have to. Just know that I forgive you, but that's it" This went well, but I wished it went better.

"I understand"

She stands up after finishing her drink. I follow behind her, leaving my unfinished drink.

"Are you going home?" I ask

"My home is far from here, plus it's late. I'll be staying at a hotel in the meantime"

"Is it by chance the one near the mall?" She might think I'm stalking her if it actually is.

"How... you followed me there?"

"No, we just stay at the same hotel and it was a lucky guess" I promise it was. How did I not see you though?

"Are you going there right now as well?" Honestly, no, but I'll go with you anyway

"Yes, can I just go with you?"

"You can drive your way back. I know you have a license"

"Well, it got confiscated a while ago, so I don't right now" My luck is insane today. 

She gives out a sigh before nodding.

"Only this once though. I'm not  giving you any more rides after this one time"

"Absolutely, no problem. This is the only time it counts" I need to make sure it counts as well.

I follow her to her car as Chaeyoung is cheering me on.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now