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"I never do! You can always trust me!" Nayeon being arrogant is pretty normal, but this time, it's obvious she plans to tell everyone.

"You're actually never trustworthy. I asked for a favor a while ago and you fucked it up. How can I expect you to keep--"

"I haven't told anyone have I?" Nayeon never interrupts Y/N, but she did... and what makes it more disturbing is how Y/N actually looks speechless. Nayeon sounds really confident that she is right, so I guess it makes sense that he's staying quiet.

"Mina, we should leave" he says while pulling me out.

"But, I still want--"

"You can do that later. We just need to stay far away from those 2 before they get on my nerves"

This must be Y/N's boyfriend side. It's so cringey thinking about it though!

"Is there something wrong? You're really red. Did I do something wrong?"

"No... I just can't believe this is happening right now. That you're with me"

"Then we should make the most out of today. We can make this our anniversary day" He's really never been in a relationship? How?

"I agree. This is the best day ever" He smiles back at me before we enter the car.

"Where are we going anywhere? Out to eat, or shopping?"  I ask

"Anywhere you want, but preferably somewhere we can pass the whole day" The mall would be the most obvious answer, but I believe he would enjoy somewhere quieter.

"You would prefer quiet places, right? How about somewhere like a museum then?"

"I'm fine with that, even though I've never been a fan of places like those" Really? I always thought he enjoyed museums after seeing his house.

"Great..." The awkward silence kicks in again, despite us being on a date. I don't know if he's only quiet around me, but he seems like he's comfortable talking to Jeongyeon and Nayeon. I guess he's bad at expressing his feelings during moments like this.

"So... why the museum?" he asks, breaking the silence.  

"I just thought you're a fan of museums. Mostly, because of the paintings and furniture, you have at home"

"That doesn't mean I'm a fan of museums though. I'm just interested in some artworks"

"I heard Chaeyoung is also interested in art"

"She actually introduced some artists and artworks to me"

"Really? What artworks did she introduce to you?"

"A lot, I can't name them all" Sounds like a dodge. Surely, he at least knows one.

"Okay, then what's your favorite that she introduced?"

"Um... you are

Why did he just say that?!! This idiot... my heart is beating so quickly!!

He bursts out laughing, probably cringing at himself.

"Why... why would you say that just out of nowhere?!" 

"You asked me, plus I could tell that you would get flushed"

Making me go crazy.  I can't take this!!

"If I am your favorite artwork, would you... stare at me all day?" SHIT! WHAT KIND OF QUESTION WAS THAT?! I'M SO STUPID!! It's not even romantic, I absolutely killed the mood.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now