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"Y/N, why were you so mad awhile ago? You didn't want me to meet Jeongyeon, but she just wanted to talk. She was even kind enough to let me stay here for tonight" 

Mina was already waiting for me upstairs and she's in my room again. I don't know if Jeongyeon told her to stay here, but I need to change my perspective about her.

"Can you please leave? I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now, or ever"

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you, but she didn't do anything bad. You don't have to be sore about it"

"I don't care what she did. Just get the fuck out of my room. Go sleep with Nayeon or something"

I shouldn't have said that. I want to avoid her, but she's already having a bad day. It doesn't give me the right to treat her badly.

"Okay, I understand that you're trying to avoid me. I'm not mad at you"

She leaves the room and I hear her talking to someone. Probably Nayeon.

Why is she not mad at me? I made her bad day worse and she still 'understands' me. 

If I remember correctly, she said that I understand her. No, I don't. We don't understand each other.

"Y/N!! You keep slacking off! Get up, we still have school. It's  Friday anyway" I hear someone screaming outside my room.

I fell asleep last night without changing. I was so stressed out that I don't even remember how I fell asleep.

"Y/N!!! Wake up!" the banging on my door continues.

"I am awake! Stop destroying my door, you new recruit! Unless you wanna go back to your shithole dorm, I suggest you shut up"

Soft? Jeongyeon has always acted right and she does things to prove her point, but she still ends up completely wrong.

"Stop acting tough! Just get up already. Everyone's waiting for you. We'll leave you if you don't get prepared in 5 minutes" Jeongyeon adds. 

That bitch. She's saying I'm acting tough when she herself is acting like a boss all of a sudden. 

"That's new. You're finally taking responsibility" I respond.

"You should be waking up earlier unless you want us banging on your door like that" Jeongyeon says while we're in the car.

"Bang on my door all you want. I'm not listening to someone like you"

"Excuse me? You asked me to help you lead the busin--"

Idiot, she doesn't realize that Mina's in the car.

"Continue. You can't say shit, can you? Are you scared she'll find out?" I bluff. If Mina finds out, this will be bad for me.

"Shut up! You're obviously bluffing. I won't say it for your sake"

"Why are you two on such bad terms? Is there something wrong?" Mina asks. Either she really didn't catch what Jeongyeon was trying to say, or she doesn't want to ask us about it.

"Nothing's wrong. Y/N just doesn't want to accept that he's wrong"

"Actually, you are the problem, Mina"

"I-I am? I'm sorry if I did anything wrong"

I feel Nayeon kick my chair. 

"I said you changed, but that doesn't mean you have to be an asshole. Nayeon and Mina don't fully understand, but you're clearly out of your mind"

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now