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"Mina, can you still walk?" I ask while shaking her shoulder.

"I don't know. Do you want to leave already? It's so early"

She's really drunk, but at least she's not vomiting everywhere yet.

"I'll go ahead already. I think taking Mina home now is the best option" I tell the others. They nod in reply.

I stand up from my seat and fix my wrinkled clothes.

"Y/N, help me up. I don't think I can balance myself" Even when she's drunk she's still calm. Usually, people would start going crazy.

"Are you sure you can't just stand? I'll just hold your hand, so you won't fall"

"I've already fallen! Just carry me to your car"

"Fine, but don't ruin the car. Also, don't do anything stupid when we arrive at my house"

"I won't. I promise I'll behave and I won't touch any of your stuff"

"Good. Are you ready? I'll carry you, 3, 2, 1" I pull her up and carry her bridal style. It catches everyone else in the bar's attention, so I try to leave the place as quickly as I can.

I place her on the passenger seat of my car. 

"Thanks, Y/N" she says as I sit on the driver's seat. She breaks her promise and she starts touching stuff in my car. Her hands are touching and moving stuff that shouldn't be moved.

"What are you doing? I thought you said you won't touch anything? Now, you're messing with the radio"

"I'm bored. Tell me a story!"

"Go to sleep. I'll wake you up tomorrow when I take you back to your dorm. In fact, why don't you just tell me where your dorm is? I'll take you there right now"

"No, I want to stay at your place"

"What?? No, it would be better if you just went back to your place"

"Please? I want to see your house"

"Didn't I tell you before that you can probably never visit?"

"You did, but why? Are you hiding something in your house?" Is that a lucky guess, or is she trying to push me into a corner? She's drunk anyway, she'll forget even if I tell her.

"Yes, I keep a lot of stuff there. They're not really for the sensitive people"

"Is it porn? I'm not sensitive to that stuff! Just tell me what it is!"

"It's not that. It's worse actually. You'll see me as a different person if I tell you"

"I knew it! You're hiding your true personality! No one can be that mean without reason"

Mean? This is my real personality though.

"Not that. I'm being myself right now"

"How about your... close loved ones? You say that you don't have a girlfriend, but you could be keeping her in your house. That could explain why you always go home early"

"I don't have a girlfriend. I've never found love in anyone. There were a few people that I found attractive, but no one that I wanted to love" With each question she asks, she gets drowsier. Her words are starting to turn quiet.

"Who... what's your ideal type then?" she asks with a yawn. I can tell her, right? She'll be asleep before she hears everything.

"Someone, who's soft, caring, and compassionate, since I don't possess those traits. Also, they must have a good mindset about life and don't see it as something ridiculous. Lastly, they should be understanding about why I--" Her snore interrupts me. She's already asleep and her head is leaning by the window.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now