3 ( Secret )

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I wake up to my phone ringing. I look up at the clock and it's currently 1 am. I accidentally fell asleep while I was lying down.

"Hello? Who's calling this late?"

"Y/N? Are you free right now?" someone with an unfamiliar voice asks. It's really soft though.

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Mina. I was wondering if you can do the group work now. It's due at the end of Friday"

"That's a week from now! It's only Sunday"

"Well, you said you were busy yesterday, and we're 1 hour into the new day"

"Are you crazy? I'll do it tomorrow then... I mean later"

"Okay, good night then"

"Good night to you too," I say before ending the call. I put my phone down and go back to sleep. 

"Y/N, you're breakfast is ready" someone knocks on my door. I lazily open my eyes and open the door.

"You slept early and you weren't able to eat dinner last night"

"Yeah, I had to do work... Did Jeongyeon go here last night?" I completely forgot that she was going to visit.

"She did, she said that you kidnapped someone for her. Also, she told us to stay away from the basement, so we never checked down there"

Jeongyeon didn't bother to wake me up. As long as she didn't spill blood everywhere, it might be fine.

"I'll go check on the person I took. Just leave my breakfast on my table, you can relax for now"

I head downstairs and into the basement. Thankfully, Nayeon is still there, with no blood spilled.

"YOU... YOU BROUGHT ME HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" she exclaims as soon as she sees me.

"I was asked to bring you here. I'm assuming you met someone last night?"

"Jeongyeon?! She's such a bitch!" Her face is completely clean. Jeongyeon didn't hurt her in any way. What was the point of this then?

"Why did she want you kidnapped? She didn't hurt you, so there was no anger involved"

"She wanted me here to hide her secret. I was using it to blackmail her and now she asked you to take me here"

"That's it? Over a little secret? It probably wouldn't have affected her image anyway"

"It's not a small deal, Y/N. I witnessed her kill someone. She asked me to never tell anyone, or else I would be next"

"She can never kill someone that's innocent. I'm assuming the person she killed was in self-defense"

"It was excessive self-defense. She killed someone who was flirting with her" that sounds like something Jeongyeon would do though. 

"Creeps are indeed heinous. It wasn't that bad when you think about it"

"What?? You're saying that when you tied me up in your basement? If anything, you're the heinous one!"

"It was a job, plus I did my best to not harass you"

"You're clearly mentally ill! You fucking psycho"

That's what everyone calls me when I do my job. I don't understand why they don't understand that I'm doing this as work. It's not like I commit a crime because I love the feeling. Creeps and psychos only intend to do evil. It's only lust, greed, and wrath in their intentions which is why we're completely different. 

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now