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Yesterday was surprisingly, really great. I wasn't expecting to have fun, but I guess it takes one person to make you happy.

"Where were you yesterday, Y/N? I was having fun with the fortune-telling, but then you disappeared"

"Why were you looking for me, Momo? I just went into a haunted house and then went back home with Mina"

"You didn't invite me! I stayed at the fortune-telling stall waiting for you!"

"You looked like you were having fun, so I didn't want to bother you" Also because she probably would only be screaming.

"Did you have fun then? If you were so desperate for joy"

"I did. It was definitely better than that scam you were so into"

She pushes me and walks away. It wasn't even something offensive, but it struck a nerve on her.

"Whatever! I won't hang out with you and your boring interests!"

She just ignores me and continues walking. I do the same and walk to my classroom to get my attendance checked.

The odd thing is Jihyo gave me a smirk before she wrote my name down. She never does that since she takes school seriously.

"What's with the look? Did I do something wrong?"

"Nope, I just wrote your name. Nothing else" That's suspicious and weird. I really don't need things to stress about on a day when I'm supposed to be relaxing.

"Okay, but you better not be planning anything weird" 

I leave my stuff on my desk and go to the event. Similar to yesterday, it's filled with people. 

I asked if Mina wanted to go with me, but I don't know where she is. She left before I even arrived at the classroom.

She might be with the others, but I also don't know where they could be. I'm not even close with them, so I can't guess where they would go.

My search lasts for minutes until I finally stumble across one of them. Tzuyu was surprisingly alone.

"Do you know where Mina is?" I ask which startles her. She was just peacefully eating a corndog until I startled her.

"Mina? I don't know, but I think she's somewhere in the drinks section. She was with Chaeyoung the last time I was with her"

"Okay thanks"

"Wait... why are you looking for her?"

"We agreed to hang out today. I had fun with her yesterday, so I want to go again with her"

She looks at me with a suspicious look. I rarely hang out with people, so her reaction isn't absurd.

"You hung out? That's new. I thought you were going with your girlfriend" It's starting to get annoying how they keep thinking that I'm so attached to her just because she's my girlfriend.

"I did. It just wasn't fun with Momo"

"But you had fun with Mina?"

"You can say that. Just don't take it the wrong way" 

She nods awkwardly as she continues to stare at me.

"I'm gonna go look for her. Thanks for you help"

Even as I was leaving, I could sense that she was still staring at me. I don't know why, but she's really suspicious of me. I haven't even done any crimes recently, and I'm certain I didn't leave a past job uncleaned. 

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now