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The 1st day of the fair is today and it's a relief to know that I have something to be thankful for. I finally understand Jeongyeon and she finally opened up. It's time that I do the same.

"Jeongyeon and Nayeon will most likely do their own thing today. Do you just want to join my classmates and me?" I ask Momo while we're walking towards our classrooms.

"Wouldn't that be awkward? I'm not really your girlfriend, but they don't know that"

"It might, but we should be fine. Why would they care anyway?"

"You're right. We shouldn't worry about that. Are you fine if Sana joins us by the way?"

"Sure, as long as she won't be a disturbance"

"Thanks, I'll see you later then. Bye" 

Momo changed from that time in the cafe. She threatened to kill me back then, but now she treats me like a friend. Maybe, it's because I didn't even leave a scratch on Nayeon.

Either way, it's crazy to think how someone can have a duality like that. It's very similar to Jeongyeon.

"Good morning, Y/N. How was your day yesterday?" Jihyo asks oddly. She's clearly baiting me to answer, but I don't know why.

"It was great. I finally got to understand someone that I couldn't. I also really enjoyed my time without you"

She gives out the fakest gasp. She wasn't even trying to hide the fact that it was fake.

"Really? Well, that's great! Good luck later with our stall" she oddly replies. I don't know why she's acting like this, but this isn't normal.

As I sit down, Tzuyu taps on my shoulder to get my attention.  So far, Jihyo and her aren't acting like their usual selves.

"Why are you suddenly talking to me? Did something happen?"

"Y/N. Have you changed your mind? Will you go with us to the fair?"

"That's what this is about? Yes, I have. I'll go with you guys to wherever you wanted to go. Is that the answer you wanted to hear?"

"You're serious? I'll tell the other then"

"Sure, go ahead. Momo and Sana will be joining us as well"

She loses her smile. It's clear that she doesn't want to be with them.

"That's fine. It's better than you not joining us completely" They really want me to go with them for some reason. Please don't tell me that I'm getting set up. Or worse, they could be planning to start a disgusting harem

"Why don't you want Momo and Sana to come along?" She becomes startled by my question. She's being too obvious about what she feels.

"I never said that I don't want them to come along"

"That's what you're thinking, isn't it? Whatever the reason is, they're going with us. If you really don't want them, then I won't be joining your group"

"Again, I never said anything about not wanting them. If you really want them to join, then they can" 

She doesn't have to sugarcoat. 

"You're not fooling me. I can read people really well. You're clearly lying and in denial. Anyway, I don't care what your reason is"

"So good at reading people, then how do you not know?" she mumbles under her breath, thinking I won't hear her.

"Not know what? Is there something you're trying to hide from me? You're not a secretive person Tzuyu. Despite being a quiet person, you're very transparent"

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now