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Mina POV 

Sana pulls my arm just before Y/N and I leave the cafeteria. She asks to speak with me privately, but I really don't want to.

"Do by any chance, already know?" She asks. I don't know why she started the conversation like that. It's way too unspecific that I can't even reply.

"Know what? You have to be more specific. I can't answer something like that"

"So you don't know about Y/N. I can't tell you as well, since Momo told me to let Y/N confess to you. Anyway, I really hope your relationship is full of love" Confess what though? 

"What are you talking about, Sana? What would he have to confess?" 

"Don't ask me. I just said I wouldn't tell you. Also, don't ask him please... you'll make him feel anxious and it might separate you two" That's odd. Y/N isn't really an expressive type, so I'll listen to her for now.

"Okay, I won't. I'll wait for him to tell me"

"Great! Now, you can return to him"

"Wait, have you by any chance, heard from my mom? She's just gone from our house and she's not answering my calls"

"Hm? I have not. Wouldn't she tell you if she would just disappear?" That's the same question I have.

"I know right? I will have to look for her since she's not replying!" 

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find her" 

"Thank you, Sana" 

Y/N and I say our goodbyes to Sana and Tzuyu before we leave the cafeteria. I tell him about how I won't be going home with him, but I don't tell him why. I know he'll be worried if I tell him my mom is missing and I don't want to drag him into this.

Y/N and I agree to meet up later after I've finished what I was planning to do. I need to go back to the police station.

"See you later!" He says as he drives away. I wave back and walk towards the police station that I went to before.

It's significantly farther than I expected, but then again, I'm not used to walking this far. My attempts to call or contact my mom are all unsuccessful even until now. 

After a long walk, I enter the police station and approach the same person I spoke to before.

"You're back again? What is it this time?" he asks bluntly.

"It's still about my mom. She's still not replying to me even after a whole day, or maybe, even longer"

"Oh right, you're looking for your mother. Anyway, fine, we'll start to file her missing. Are you okay, if we check your house out sometime tomorrow, maybe?"

"Yes, I am. But by any chance, do you have any idea why she could have possibly left without any word? We did have an argument when I last saw her, but doubt she would keep her disappearance away from me" I doubt he'll give any decent advice.

"What did you argue about? It might have something to do about that"

"We argued about... my boyfriend. She doesn't like him, but I believe he's a good guy"

"That's a classic, but not something that would cause someone to just disappear" He's actually right though. Why we should leave after an argument like that? Unless she didn't leave because of that argument.

"I know! It's so unlike her!" What was she thinking anyway?

"Your boyfriend. What's he like?"

"He's... quiet, shy, but caring and intelligent. He even has a business of his own, without the help of his parents"

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now