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"Yes, but again, I'm only staying for a while and I won't be visiting ever again" She replies, ignoring my hand. Instead, she walks past me, towards the elevator.

That was cold but understandable.

"Y/N, are you coming or not?" she calls, holding the elevator door open.

"Coming!"  Why is she asking me that anyway? She's the guest, not me.

I walk in and the silence quickly covers the elevator. 

"What floor?" She asks, awkwardly.


"That's odd. 13 is usually unlucky, right? I guess it's the perfect floor for you"

What? That's uncalled for. I choose not to reply and let the silence take place.

The silence only breaks when we stop on a different floor and other people enter the elevator. 

Both of them let out a gasp as they walk in. 

They start whispering to each other, but since it's so quiet, we can clearly understand what they're saying.

"Isn't she Mina and the guy is Y/N? They're staying in the same hotel!?" 

"So what if they are? I mean, it's crazy how they're here at the same time as well"

"They're competitors and CEOs. Plus there was a rumor before that they were together, like isn't that crazy--" She's quickly elbowed by her friend. They know we can hear them.

"That rumor is so stupid, like how did people even get that idea?!"

"Their schoolmates said that they were really close in college and that they were even dating in college, but they don't have evidence--" The elevator dings, signaling that we reached the 13th floor.

Mina quickly walks out and I follow. She doesn't care about waiting for me even though I have the keycard to my own room.

I was about to call her to wait, but I quickly notice something wrong.

The elevator door hasn't closed yet, meaning they're still watching. Mina doesn't realize that though and she hastily asks for the keycard in front of my room.

How does she even know I stay in this room?!

"Keycard, Y/N. Unless you want to stay outside the entire night"

"How do you know that this is my room?" I ask and she's clearly caught off guard.

"Lucky... guess"

I open the door while she's still out of excuses.

"Get in, unless you want to stay outside the entire night" she's still stunned, but she eventually enters the room. 

I quickly jump onto the bed, without changing yet, and turn on the tv. 

"Y/N! Can't you change first?! You came from a beach. Your clothes are dusty and for sure, you smell like shit"

"Why do you care about me changing?"

"It's unhygienic if you don't change!"

"Fine, if you say so"

I get up and change into a t-shirt and pajama pants. Mina on the other hand just changed into the robe given by the hotel.

"That's all you're wearing? Isn't that--"

"I didn't bring anything else because I was planning to stay alone in my room" she interrupts.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now