I arrive at the police station minutes after the call and Mina really is there. I don't know why she would want to go to a police station and I hope it's not because of me.

"Hey, get in. We're going back home" I say to get her attention.

"Can we pass by the bar first? I want to ask if they still have my old phone. I really need it if I want to talk to my mom" she asks. I should have expected her to be worried this early, but I still am not prepared. I need to somehow convince her that I'll get her phone if it is there.

"Sure, I'll get it for you, so you can just stay in the car when we get there"

"No no, it's fine. I'll get it. It was my fault that I lost it anyway"

"I insist, you can stay here in the car. It's not a big deal. It was partly my fault as well since I didn't check your belongings before I brought you to my house" I really don't want to argue about who's going down, but I'm forced to.

"Fine, then we'll both go" I just nod in reply. I doubt she'll let me go on my own anyway. Anyway, I must think of a way to get it before she does.

As I drive to the bar, the rain starts to pour on my car. It couldn't have rained at a better time. 

"It's raining, so I'll get your phone for you. I don't want you to get sick" She blushes, but she still is stubborn about it.

"But then you'll get sick over my mistake. You really don't have to worry about me" I really just want to yell at her. She's one of the only people that I don't mind being stubborn with me, but this isn't the right time. Yet, I don't have the right to yell at her. Nor do I have any intention to hurt her. She's suffered enough and she doesn't even know it. The least I can do is to be the best version of myself for her.

"Mina... I... I love you" FUCK WHY DID I SAY IT?!

 I want to be the best version of myself and the first thing I do is lie?! Am I this desperate to keep my identity safe? The right thing to do is to turn myself in, but I still choose to do this? Do I really love her? How can I answer that question if I don't even know what love is?

The least I can do is not be the best version of myself, but instead, apologize and do the right thing, yet I still don't want to.

I turn to her to see her looking down to avoid eye contact. Her face is really red. I intentionally avoided directly answering her question of whether I liked her as well because I didn't want to lie.

"Y/N... I love you too" This feeling. It's deep regret, isn't it? Why am I so evil to her, yet she still sees me as a good person, someone she can love. 

She suddenly puts her hand on mine and it fills me with sadness. 

"You really do?" I ask

"Of course, I do. You're the best person I've met and I would not want to change anything about you" Her words completely change how I feel. It's odd, but it makes me feel grateful for her.

"Even if I was a bad person?"

"You're not a bad person, Y/N" She says so surely.

We eventually arrive at the bar and the rain is still pouring. The sound is so calming, that it can relax even me.

"I'll get it for you," I say as I grab the umbrella from the back.

She grabs my arm suddenly and our eyes lock. I don't know why, but I don't want her to let go.

The ambiance is really quiet with the rain being the only noise. Neither of us is speaking, but I like it that way.

Her eyes are screaming something, I can tell. The problem is I don't know what it's trying to tell me. Despite that, I can somehow understand how she's feeling. She's clearly euphoric even though she doesn't have a smile on her face.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now