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*5 Years Later*

"Y/N! You're getting a call from Jeongyeon" Chaeyoung says. I typically never get bothered by her even now. She's been doing really well running a legitimate business, but it's probably because she feels more comfortable now.

"Jeongyeon? What's up?" I answer the call. I spend my time doing other things nowadays, but continue to paint and sell art. I've kind of started a small business with Chaeyoung as well. Being a major shareholder of two companies isn't too hard when I have great colleagues.

"Can you stop by here for today? We need you. Of course, if Chaeyoung is fine with it, but it's really important and should be a priority." Our company has changed to an actual legal business that has grown surprisingly well. With Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Momo, Sana, Dahyun, Tzuyu, and Jihyo as shareholders as well. 

I mean meeting friends from college has definitely helped in starting a corporation. Being in a partnership with Chaeyoung though has taken most of my time since she's really passionate about it and she usually needs my help to run the place.

"Uh... is it for a meeting? You know how I am with meetings. I don't really like listening to other people's ideas because it's really boring"

"Sorry, but it is. It's an important one though, for the progression of our corporation! Just listen and you don't have to make any decisions. We just need to know if you're fine with the idea. I mean, you're the biggest shareholder and don't even care about how well the corporation is doing!"

"Jeongyeon, I don't do this for the money. The stock market doesn't bother me at all. I just want to stay peaceful"

"Okay, so you're rich as fuck, but you don't have to do anything! We just need your presence!" I was never like this before. I just lost all motivation to work. Most likely, because I feel content with my situation and I don't believe that I need to do anything.

"Fine, I'll be there" I end the call. 

"Chaeyoung, I'll be out for a while. You can watch over everybody, for today, right?"

"Sure, good luck with that!"

The meeting is as boring as expected and I don't listen to a single word.

"Y/N, what do you think? Great, right?" Jeongyeon whispers as we're nearing the end.

"I wasn't listening at all. The food is really good though"

"Oh... of course. I'll take that as a yes then"

The meeting finally ends after a few minutes, but still, I didn't listen to a single word.

"Y/N! Wait! Here's a little something for you" Dahyun stops me from leaving.

She hands over an envelope with a wax seal. Without, giving an idea of what could be inside, she just walks away. It's very random, and kind of old-fashioned, but whatever.

I decide to drive back home after the long day and open the letter before going to sleep. I left the old house and let Tzuyu and Jihyo stay there instead. Instead, I bought another place for myself. Just to get away from everything since having a lot of people in one household is very tiring.

The rest of my days are always spent relaxing and doing some hobbies and I believe that this is because I never actually spent my childhood doing these kinds of things. I've been working so much that I feel exhausted now when I'm supposed to be working my hardest.

My curiosity has yet to fade though, and I finally open the letter after arriving back home. I hope it isn't some bad news because I really want a good sleep soon.

The letter though is something I would have never expected. I immediately call Chaeyoung to tell her about it.

"Chae! Did you get the letter from Dahyun as well?"

"Oh that. She passed by a while ago and left a letter, but I haven't opened it yet"

"Open it! Look what it says!"


"That's what I'm thinking. She really is sure about it"

"But wait... the venue. It's out of town. Do we stay at a hotel?"

"Yes, we can stay at a nearby hotel before and after the wedding"

"Okay, I'll remember. But... do you think, by any chance... she will be there as well?"

She? Mina? Is that what Chae means?

"You mean Mina? I doubt it, but it's not like Dahyun had anything to do about our breakup, so most likely"

"You should take this opportunity to talk to Mina then!" Chae's not wrong, but Mina won't even look at me, I assume.

"Sure, I'll try. See you tomorrow then"

Just in case I do see Mina, I should at least think about what to say. 

No... I shouldn't make that a priority. I should think about myself first. Like, as what hotels are nearby, or if I can even go on that day.

Nevertheless, preparing for something like that isn't a bad idea. I should definitely start with something that isn't too emotional, right? Fuck, I think it would just be better if I asked for some help.

"Nayeon, you're invited to Dahyun's wedding, right?"

"Yes, I'm so excited!"

"I can tell, but I need your help"

"In what?"

"What if Mina is there? What do I tell her? I don't want to sound too emotional, but I also want to sound sincere" 

"Calm down. If she is there, just re-introduce yourself. And, if she doesn't want to talk to you, then you can't do anything about it"

"That's it? How am I supposed to act though?"

"Just be yourself. She fell in love with you like that, right?" I wish that was how it was.

"No, I was lying to her, remember? I never told her I was a murderer. She broke up with me when she found out who I really was"

"Right, sorry for reminding you about that. Anyway, you've changed already. You're a much nicer person, who runs an actual company now"

"Nayeon, I can't run from my past. It will always be with me. Because not everybody forgets"

"I.. understand. But, trust me when I say that you're a good person"

Everyone says that I am, but how many of those compliments are actually true? The one that comes from another criminal? Or the one that comes from the clueless?

Both are invalid when you think about it because their compliments would most likely change into anger if they were different. If they were innocent, or aware of who I am.

Like Mina. Someone that loved me and had a deep connection with me, completely snapped when she became aware. The worst part is I can't even do anything about it. No matter how much I change, it doesn't matter because people always notice the worst out of me.

People are quick to assume that a red dot on a white canvas is a mistake. Still, I won't give up on my chances with you, Mina.

You're harder to remove than a blood stain. Perhaps, because I don't want to get rid of you.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now