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I get woken up by Nayeon knocking on my door. Before, it was Jeongyeon who woke me up, but I prefer it like this. 

"School? I'll be ready in a bit" I reply.

It's really disappointing to know that I won't be seeing Mina in school anymore. In fact, I don't even want to continue anymore, but I promised to change.

I leave my room, prepared, and everyone is staring at me as they always do since I broke up with her.

"You guys don't have to wait for me all the time up here. You can wait in the car, you know?" And like every day, they only look at me with pity. It's been like this for weeks since the breakup.

They only talk to me to ask if I'm still holding up and I always reply with 'yes'.

The drive to school is quiet as usual, but this time it feels different. It feels as if they want to say something, but can't.

I prepare to start a conversation, but quickly change my mind because I know it won't lead to anything.

School also has a similar ambiance. Everybody just stares at me during break times, yet no one approaches me to ask. They just gossip about it.

Not even Dahyun and Chaeyoung are willing to ask me about it. I guess everyone is just scared to hurt my feelings, or they're scared of me in general.

"Dahyun, can I borrow your book? I left mine at home, and I promise I'll return it before the end of this class. I just have to check something" I whisper to her. I actually have my own book, but I want to see how she reacts to a sudden conversation.

"Oh... sure. Just make sure you actually do" 

"Thank you. By the way, does everyone hate me, or?"

"Hate you? I don't know about everyone, but I definitely don't"

"Why are you avoiding me then?" She becomes startled by my question.

"I-I don't want to be insensitive and I want to give you space. We know that you're going through something, despite it being weeks ago"

"I see. But it does feel awkward since all of you look like you want to say something"

I return her book without opening it. I feel a bit relieved to know that at least, she doesn't hate me. I can't tell for Chaeyoung though. She looks somehow disappointed in me.

The bell rings to signify the end of class. I've already gotten used to not having to approach Mina but seeing her table empty is disheartening.

My daily routine stays the same now that I have nothing to do. I don't have to listen in class, I don't want to do anything illegal, I don't have anyone to talk to and I'm still going through our breakup. Feels bad, but I know I'll get used to it. I just have to endure the pain of boredom and being alone.

The others arrive back home, but they all become silent when they see me sulking in the kitchen.

"Welcome back," I say

"Thank you. Hope you're feeling better by the way" Jeongyeon replies. She's been so nice to me, unexpectedly.

"I am doing totally fine. Why would I need to feel better?" Lying, so they won't worry about me.

"That's good to hear" They all go upstairs, except for Nayeon.

"Are you not going to follow them?"

"I know you're not fine. But, can we please talk about what you want to do next? Like, how are we going to continue as a business?" she asks.

Identity : Killer ( Mina X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now