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“It feels like yesterday when I last saw you, Dawn. You were just a toddler like Luna and Soliel.” Chaeyoung said as she ruffle her wavy hair before holding onto Luna's shoulders.

“I'm sure, you and Luna will get along.” She looked at Dawn's mother, “Is Dawn will stay here from now on, Lisa?” She raised a brow.

Lisa chuckled and pat Dawn's shoulder, “Well Dawn wanted to be with Soliel and trained with her.” She smiled and looked at Luna, “I hope, you'll take a good care of my daughter, Your Highness.” Luna just simply smile.

“Of course,” She heard the bell being rang not far from her and cleared her throat, “As much as I want to be here, I need to be at the training hall.” She politely told them who nodded.

Luna looked up at her mother who kneeled down, “I'll see you at home, then.” Chaeyoung softly said and kissed her cheeks, “I love you.” Luna looked away in embarrassment.

“Stop saying things like that infront of many people, Dada. I'm not a baby.” Chaeyoung giggle and starts pampering her with kisses, “You will always be Dada's girl, dumbass. Now go and break a leg.” Luna nodded.

“Literally break a leg?” Chaeyoung nodded before Luna grabbed her bow and arrow and began walking to the hall.

Dawn nodded at her mother's words and run to catch up with the girl, she was about to say something to the girl when Luna quickly said something, “Don't talk to me.” Dawn raised a brow and smirks.

“Attitude much? Sunny describe you really different.” Luna rolled her eyes and didn't bother to argue with her, she just went inside the hall and was surprised to see the certain girl practicing how to hit the target perfectly.

Luna was about to call her name when Dawn run to the girl and laugh before helping Soliel to position herself and get a good angle of her target without having a hard time.

She just clicked her tongue and walked to the other side, taking off her coat and was about to head to her place when she suddenly bumped into someone, she heard a yelp from someone.

Luna looked at her and quickly extended her hand to her, “I'm really sorry. Are you okay?” She worriedly asked and helped the girl up.

“Y-yeah, I'm fine. I was the one who wasn't looking in the way, anyway.” A soft sweet voice from a girl replied and Luna had seen everyone in every tribe except for the girl.

“Are you one of the soldiers' daughter? The one who joined the journey with Lisa? I never seen you.” The girl smiled and nodded.

“Yeah,” She extended her hand to Luna and spoke, “Heather De Claveria.” She softly said like a whisper.

“Myoui Luna Astherielle,” She took her hand and smiled at her.

Without her even knowing, there's a pair of flaming eyes piercing right through her and glaring at Heather's soul, gripping on her bow tightly that she almost break it into half.

“I had to risk my life just to see her smile yet she just show it to the girl she just met a few seconds ago.” She complained under her breath and scoff in disbelief.

UNEXPECTEDLY YOURS (Asymptotes series #1) Where stories live. Discover now