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A/n: this is going to be a few different memorable moments in their lives, so bare with the large time skips :)

Cove's POV
5 years later..

Tears streamed down my face as I looked down at the object in my hand. This is a mistake, it has to be. This can't be real.

Everything that I've worked towards for the past 5 years flashed through my eyes. I began taking classes to learn Italian, graduated high school with a 4.00 gpa, got accepted into NYU medical school and graduated 3 years later. Now I'm about to enter my second year of pre-clinical work before I can finally get my dream job.

In 1 week, my pre-clinical work at a hospital in Milan, Italy starts up again. I was lucky enough to get a short vacation for summer, and before this happened I was excited to go back to work. Now I'm not even sure if I'll be able to return.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door, and after a few second there was a soft knock. That must be Azalea.

While River had to leave for work this morning, Azzy agreed to stay and keep me company. We were watching a movie, and in the middle of it I got up to pee.

For the past week or so, I've noticed that food has been tasting weird to me. One of the first things I learned as an intern of labor and delivery is that food tasting metallic or sour for no reason is an early sign of pregnancy.

Yesterday I bought a pregnancy test at the local market, not thinking much of it. It isn't my first time taking one, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to this.

However, I didn't expect for a second line to very clearly apear next to the first one. That's how I ended up crying in the bathroom, leaning against the sink and grasping the positive test tightly in my hands.

"Cove?" Azalea asked in a soft voice. "What's wrong?"

I sniffled and wiped my tears away before forcing myself to open the door. Azzy walked in and her eyes almost immediately found the pregnancy test in my hands.

"Oh no.. Cove It's alright. I'm sure it's just a malfunction."

I nodded in agreement, trying to force my thoughts away from all of the what if's. "You're right, just a mistake," I agreed with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, why don't we get another one just to make sure? That way it'll ease your worries?"

After cleaning up and splashing cold water on my face, Azalea and I walked to the store. It's only a few blocks away and takes less than 5 minutes to get to, but two men followed as of River's orders. Whenever Azzy or I leave the vacation house, we always have to have a guard with us.

My main guard's name is Steven. He's kind but super quiet and only talks if I ask him something directly. From the short conversations that we've had in the last 3 years I've know him, he revealed that he has no family and ended up on the streets at the age of 16.

When we flew to River's vacation house here in Florence, Italy, I asked for him to be the one who comes along. I don't think he's ever been able to go on vacation, so I wanted him to come and experience it, even though he's still technically working.

Before I knew it, we came across the familiar red doors of the market. "You guys stay out here," I instructed the guards. They simply nodded in response.

Taking a deep breath, I walked inside. "Ciao," the store owner immediately greeted. I smiled at her in response, too nervous to speak.

Heading to the back of the store, I grabbed 2 pregnancy tests from their spot. I made sure both of them were from different brands before going up to pay.

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