Chapter 5

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She walked out the front door and turned around and looked back at us. "Follow?" she asked.

We all started walking out the door. Autti whistled and Pup came and ran out the door. As the dog ran past she knocked Niall to the ground. We all just stood there and laughed. He started to turn red and Autti came over and grabbed his hand and helped him up. I've seen Niall like a girl and he really liked her. Anyways we walked out the door to the truck and we all got in. Louis sat in between me and Zayn in the back seat and Liam sat in the passenger seat with Niall in the middle. SANDWITCH!!! 

We pulled out of the driveway. 

"Liam, reach in the glove box and pull out the lights." Liam opened the box to find 4 large spotlights. He handed them to her and Autti handed 2 back to me and Zayn.

"What are these for?" I asked. 

"We use these to shine out the window and look for deer,coons,opossums, other stuff." she replied.

"What do we do when we see one?" Zayn asked.

"If its by the road get the hell outta my truck and chase that animal. If its in the field just enjoy the view. Or I'll hit them with the truck." she looked back at Louis who's mouth was open wide.

"Isn't that animal abuse?" Liam asked.

"I think it'll be fun." Niall interupted.

"Come on Liam dont be a panzie." she smiled and looked back to the road. "Shine the lights!"

Zayn rolled down his window and shined the light. Autti cranked up Live While We're Young. We all started to sing and Liam did the 1 2 3 flick.


I drove down the road going 50 and I saw something on the road just ahead. I slowed down fast and Louis screamed. I just laughed and we stopped. I whistled for Pup.

"Harry let her out! Niall come on." I gave him the flirty smile and I jumped out of the truck. Niall followed and I told Pup to beat the shit out of the coon. Pup ran and so did we then Niall ran ahead trying to kick the coon. But he tripped and I fell on him. 

"Thanks for breaking my fall." Our faces were inches apart.

"Yea. Sure, thanks for falling on me." He smiled and then I heard Pup yelp. I got up and helped Niall up. I ran over to Pup and I pulled out the pistol from my side holder. I shot the coon. 

"Did he get ya Pup?" I looked and she wasn't hurt, "That was close." I grabbed the dead coon and heaved it in the back of the truck. 


I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Louis had texted me -Nice fall <3- I rolled my eyes and jumped in the truck. 

"Well that was fun." Autti said.

"Have a good fall Autti?" Louis asked teasingly.

"I loved it." she looked over to me and giggled. 

They continued shining and then we drove the curved road. Kiss You came on the radio. I started singing to it. Autti joined in. Her voice was amazing.

A opossum came out of the side of the road and she hit the gas and hit the sucker. 

"Jeez!! That was AWESOME!" Louis yelled. 

Autti turned into a field we drove untill we saw a metal trough. 

"I gotta check the cows." 


I jumped back in the truck and drove back to the house. We had seen a lot of deer. The boys were amazed at how many there was. It was surprising cause they're on a buss all the time and they never have hit a deer.

Liam, Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Louis got out.  I think Louis likes Pup the most. He patted on his thigh and she jumped out.

"That was fun!" they all said in unison.

"Well we're gonna have a lot more fun tomorrow. You guys gotta work...YAY!" I said. 

"What are we gonna do?" Louis asked. He was very hyper. 

"It's a surprise!!!" I replied. Tomorrow was going to be great!

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