Chapter 23

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AHHH!! Almost 300 reads in 2 days! Anyways sorry I didn't update yesterday. But today I have a snowday so I shall be writing my butt off. Haha READ ON!!


I had everything packed and I was ready. I hauled out everyhing out to my truck including Pup. The boys already stuffed all of there bags in my truck. I threw mine in and helped pup into the bed. I jumped in to find Niall. The others probably were riding with Louis seeing that there was completly no room in my truck.

"Are you as excited as I am?" Niall asked. 

"Yea. Just a little nervous. I never go out of Nebraska hardly ever." I leaned back in my seat tightening my grip on the wheel. Niall put his hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be great!" He comforted me. I pulled out the driveway and onto the dirt road. I looked to see the boys in Louis car moving their hands. I wondered what they were yelling about but I just turned back to the road. The world here I come I thought to myself.

A couple hours later we arrived at the boys hotel. We jumped out to find Paul. 

"We're leaving for New York." He told us. I nodded as I saw the tour bus pull into the parking lot.

"We will drive your truck." A woman said to me, "But you guys got to get your bags out." She told the boys. We nodded and grabbed all of our stuff. I let Pup jump out and run onto the bus. We walked to the bus following Pup. I got in and looked around. I saw a tv and xbox. I smiled. 

"This is gonna be fun." I said. 

"Yup. Ok there are 2 rooms. Us boys will stay in one. You and Niall will be in the other." Liam said to us. We said ok and walked into the room. There were 2 beds and a nightstand for the both of us. I saw a closet .

"We share?" I asked looking at Niall.

"Yup." He plopped his bag on the bed. I was tired so I just put my bag by my bed and layed down. 

"Tired?" Niall asked.

"Hell ya." I replied shutting my eyes and falling asleep.


 After a few hours of us driving Autti fell asleep. I just layed there and looked at her for a while. I decided to get up cause I was hungry as always. I walked out the door to find Liam and Louis playing COD.

"Hey Ni wanna play?" Louis asked me. I shook my head no and grabbed my chips. I sat next to Liam. I watched as they killed each other. I laughed as Louis got shot. 

"Not fair." he said to Liam giving him the death stare. Liam shrugged.

"Rematch? I might go easy on ya." He replied giving Louis a halfsmile. 

Louis thought about it a sec. "Your on." He clicked the restart button. After Louis won 1 and lost 4 he was done. 

"I'm gonna take a nap." He got up and ran to his room.

"Niall can I talk to you?" Liam leaned over facing me. I nodded.

"I talked to managment. They want Autti to change her look. They think shes trashy and the fans will make your relationship worse." He explained to me. I couldn't beleive it. Why would I tell her to change her look just because managment told me to? No I wouldn't.

"Why should she have to change her look? She's perfect the way she is." I said fustrated.

"Just because they don't want the fans to react and not buy our music. Listen to me Niall. All she has to do is change her hair, her style, her makeup..." He listed. I stood up and shook my head.

"You mean change everything about her?" I said rudly. I walked into our room. I found Autti sitting up holding her knees to her chest. 

"Do I really have to change?" She looked up at me. I walked over to her and sat. I wrapped my arm around her. 

"I don't want you to. But..." I started to explain to her.

"I'll do it. If its for the band. I will." She interupted. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's ok. I can change for a while. I really don't mind." She breathed deep breathes, "Just what exactly do I have to change?" She asked.

"Your hair,style, makeup, etc..." I listed. 

"I'm gonna look so different." She told me. I nodded. I heard footsteps. Louis walked in with the others following behind him except Liam.

"We heard. Look Autti I'll have Eleanor help you." Louis said sitting next to her. 

"Thanks but who's Eleanor?" She asked. 

"My friend." Louis said patting her shoulder, "I've aranged for her to come and stay a while. She is meeting us in New York." he answered.

"Oh yea. I read about her when I googled you guys." She replied.

"Thats how Rock Me is your favorite song!" Zayn said triumphantly. She let out a little laugh and nodded. I noticed she had been crying a little. He face had tears rolling down them.

I rubbed her back a little trying to comfort her.


We arrived in New York the next afternoon. The morning had been full of getting ready and picking out clothes.

"You girls should go shopping and get new clothes." I told Autti. She nodded and folded some clothes and packed them on the top shelf. 

"What color should I dye my hair? Purple like Perrie?" She asked me. I let out a little chuckle and shook my head no. 

"I think you'd look good blonde." I told her as I put her boots in the bottom of the closet by Niall's Supras.

"Ugh. I'm too tan for that. Black?" She gave me a little smile.

"It's already blackish." I said punching her arm lightly. 

"Fine. So is Eleanor cool?" She asked.

"She is the sweetest person ever. You'll love her." I told her. She nodded. Niall walked through the door.

"Done?" He asked. 

"YUP!" I yelled and wrapped my arm around Autti.

She put her hand on her stomach and made a face.

"I'm freakin hungry." She said. Niall smiled and grabbed her hand. We walked to the kitchen to find macaroni on the stove. Autti squealed and ran to the bowls.

"How'd you know?" She looked to Niall.

"I figured." He replied. We all grabbed our bowls and sat around the telly.


We arrived in New York at 4 in the afternoon. We got out and ran into the hotel. Louis ran over to brunette girl and pulled her into a huge hug. Niall was holding my hand. He lead me over to her. She looked over Louis shoulder and her mouth fell open.

"Oh my God! Hey Autti I'm Eleanor. It is so nice to finally meet you." She said in her British accent. She engulfed me in a huge hug. 

"Nice to meet you too." I said. 

"Hey is Danielle here?" Liam asked Eleanor. El nodded her head as she pulled away from our hug. 

"She's in our room. You know what Aut your gonna stay with me and Dani." El said to me. 

"Ok. So what now?" I asked. She looked around and grabbed my hand. We ran to the elevator. She pressed the button and the doors opened. She pulled me in as she pressed 5. We made it up and the doors opened once again. We walked out to find a girl standing there. 

"Hi Autti I'm Dannielle." She hugged me. I was getting a lot of hugs. 

"Hi." I looked over to El who was opening a door.

"Well come on Dani don't just stand there and hug all day. Lets get ready to go shopping!" El said.


Sorry kind of a confusing chapter! Anyways umm....VOTE COMMENT AND RECOMMEND!!!!!!!

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