Chapter 29

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I was not sure of Niall's real embarrassing moment so I just made this one up. READ ON!


I looked at Autti who was looking at me. I didn't really want to tell her the most tramatic moment in my life but I knew I would have to sometime. 

"Well when I was 15 I was at a party with some friends. And we were 3 years away from the drinking age in Ireland. And I got piss drunk. I had fallen asleep I guess and I walked out of the bedroom the next mornin to find the parents of the people who threw the party. I was in me underwear." Everyone started laughing. I blushed as usual.

"I hope you didn't lose your virginity." Autti said still giggling. Shit.

"Actually." I looked down at her. I gave a sorry smile. I didn't like that I had to tell her this way but it had to come out sooner or later.

"Oh." She breathed out and turned back to her pancake. 

"Autti you next." Louis said. She looked at him with the death glare but she lost the battle.

"I was 16 and I was on a date with a boy from school." She was then interupted by Harry.

"Oh I see where this is going. And you lost yours?" He looked at her like she was a child.

"Actually no I still have my innocence." She stuck her tounge out at him. I was surprised at that because she was so beautiful how could a guy not take advantage of her, "Anyways I was at the movie theater and we were talking. I got cold and I sat with my legs up in my seat. I felt something. I moved a bit and I...farted." BAHA! I was laughing my arse off at that. She hit my shoulder. Once I was done laughing I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her head.

"I like a girl who can fart and not give a shit what others think." I told her.

"Yes but that was frickin embarrassing." She laughed a little.

"Well we ready?" Liam asked us. We all nodded and got up not realizing we had just revealed ourselves to each other and they hadn't. 


God that was horrible. We were now at the hotel getting ready to leave. We were all saying our goodbyes to Danielle.

"I'm going to miss you." I told her as I hugged her. I felt her nod on my shoulder.

"I'll miss you too sweety." She patted my back and pulled away. She hugged Liam and gave him a kiss before hopping into her cab and driving off to the airport. 

"Well ready?" Liam asked wrapping his arms around our sholders. We both nodded sadly.

"Hey I'll miss her too. Now cheer up!" Liam said comforting us. We climbed aboard the bus and we started to drive away. I walked around and finally decided to watch some tv. I channel surfed finally finding what I wanted. This was going to be a long trip.


I walked into the arena with Niall and the boys. Eleanor had gone back home and we were now in London finishing up the tour. It had been a long 5 months. Me and Niall have become closer. I haven't said I love you yet but I am going to soon. I was surprised Niall hadn't said it yet. Maybe he was waiting for the perfect moment. Today was our 5 month anniversery and I was hoping Niall remembered and had something planned. It was cold out now and I had on skinny jeans with UGGS and a long sleeved shirt with a sweater. I was holding Niall's hand in mine as we walked into the dressing rooms. I was already homesick at 2 months. I wanted to go home after these last 2 shows we had to do. The band had lots of cancelations of opening acts so I filled in most of the time. I got a lot of hate but I had more love. I just thought if I had never gone to Lincoln this would have never been possible. 

"We have another cancelation. Autti? Will you do the honors?" Liam asked. I nodded and went over to Lou who did my hair. My hair had gone back to its natural state at which Niall loved it. Niall's hair was now blonde after he dyed it again. I loved his hair. I got up after Lou curled my hair and other stuff. I grabbed my guitar and ran out on stage. 

"Hey yall!" I yelled to the crowd. They screamed and shouted the usual I love yous and all the other stuff. I smiled and spoke into the mic, "I'll be singing I Want U Back by Cher Lloyd." I started the song with Josh and the others backing me up. Over the past few months Louis had gotten me to like their kind of music and not just country.

I finished and the crowd cheered even louder. "And now for the lovely boys you've been waitin for...ONE DIRECTION!!!" I screamed the last part into the mic because the crowd was screaming histerically. The boys came running out and as usual Niall stopped me and gave me a kiss. It was our thing now and the crowd loved it. I walked back stage to the dressing room because I was hungry again. I picked up a cresent roll and plopped on the couch. An hour or so later I heard the boys come running back to get changed for the signing.

"God that crowd was louder than the last." Louis said.

"I swear I'm deaf." Niall acted like he was digging through his ear. I just laughed and kissed his lips. 

"Damn your sweaty." I said pushing him away. He squinted at me and went to change. I waited a minute before asking, "So what'd you get hit with?" They all laughed at my remark though I didn't know why.

"I got hit in the balls by a shoe." Harry said. I started to laugh realizing what the inside joke was.

"Need ice?" I asked calming myself down.

"Yes please." He replied going into the bathroom. I ran and got some ice and when I came back they all were dressed. I handed the ice to Harry and sat on the arm rest next to Niall.

"I almost got my collarbone broken by an Iphone." He said rubbing his hand. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close.

"Is my baby ok?" I fake cried. I felt him nod. I let out a little giggle and turned to see Paul in the doorway.

"Time to go." He told us. We all got up and walked to the table outside on the stage. I sat in between Liam and Niall, what a joy, and started signing stuff.

"Slut." I heard someone say.

"My turn." Niall said, "Shut up and don't call her that!" He yelled. I blushed and kept signing until my hand hurt. Then one little British girl came up.

"Your voice is very beautiful. You sounded just like Cher Lloyd." She told me.

"Oh thank you sweety. And whats your name?" I asked.

"Autti." I melted. I tapped on Niall's arm. I pointed to the little girl.

"A MINNY ME!" I yelled, "You better give Minny Me a kiss Ni." I told him. He nodded and bent over the table giving the little girl a kiss. 

"Thank you Niall. Love you both." She turned and walked away. Her british accent was adorable.

"Oh my God that was the cutest thing I've ever seen." I told Niall as the last of the people came through.

"Hopefuly our kids will look like that." He said. I was shocked at that answer. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"You want to have kids with me?" I asked kind of making fun of him. He blushed realizing he had said it out loud.

"Yeah." He said finishing the signing of picture from a tweeny girl. I kissed his cheek and got up out of my seat. We all walked back stage to the dressing room and packed up our stuff and moved out to the bus.

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