Chapter 16

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I loaded the 4 wheelers behind the tub of tubes and straped them down. I got in the truck and Niall jumped in the middle by me. Liam on the other side. Harry and Kyla got in back holding hands with Syd behind Liam. The rest road with Travis. I was so excited I was wiggling in my seat. Pontoon came on the radio and we started singing. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw pup laying down on the pontoon. We drove down the country road and onto the highway. I turned again and we headed to Milford.

2 hours later we drove into Wakefield, Kansas. I pulled up to the general store and stopped. We all piled out and ran to the door. I opened it and went in.

"Hey Karren!" I yelled and she walked out. Anne her dog was by he side.

"Hi dear." She said hugging me.

"Aunt Karren this is Niall my boyfriend." I held Niall's hand.

"Oh! Is this the boy from One Direction?" she asked. I nodded, "Oh my grand kids love yall. Are the others here." 

"Yep they're waiting outside." I said pointing to the door.

"Well dear, now what do you need?" Karren asked.

"Bait." I replied. We walked over to the bait tank and Karren filled up the bucket with minnows. 

"Thanks Aunt Karren. Bye Anne." I patted Anne on the head and waved to Karren as I pulled Niall out the door. 

We piled back in our trucks and pulled out onto the road. I turned around and went to the bridge.

"Get out your cameras. Its awesome." I drove over the bridge and the lake was flooded and was full of life. I smiled while the others snapped pics and uploaded them to Twitter. The bridge ended and I drove a few more miles. I pulled over by a sign the said El Dorado 100 miles. 

"Come take my picture. It's on my bucket list." We piled out and we knelt by the sign and raised our arms. 

Niall laughed, "Ok done." We got back in and started driving again. Me and My Gang came on the radio.

"So why is that on your bucket list?" Liam asked. 

"El Dorado is the city of gold in mexico. You've never seen that movie?" They shook their heads.

"Theres something seriously wrong with you guys." I said.

I drove until I made it to a campsite sign that said Nebraska Beach (Nebraskans only).

"Act Nebraskan." I said as we pulled up next to a guy. And the other guy got up and asked Travis questions. I wondered how that would go.

"Prove your Nebraskan." The man said. 

"In the 2012 Football Game against Wisconsin we won 30-27." I said. The girls proved they were Nebraskan and then it was the boys turn. Harry said in a heavy country accent that the 4 wheelers in the back were his. Liam said in the same accent that he caught a 30 pound catfish with his hands. Then it was Nialls turn. He put on his country accent and said "I love beer." 

I giggled. "Nice! Your deffinantly Nebraskan" He told Niall, "You can go." I pulled ahead and Liam rolled up the window. We started laughing our asses off!! Niall's laugh made me laugh even harder. 

"What? I really do love beer." I giggled. 

"I figured you did. Your an Irishman." He blushed.

I pulled up next to our camping spot. and jumped out. Travis backed the camper in and hooked it up.

"NEBRASKA BEACH!!!" I screamed. Everyone in the campsite screamed hell ya!


We got down to the campsite and unloaded everything. Once we were done I sat in the camper which was pretty new. I wiped my face and grabbed a water. From the fridge.

"You like the camper?" Autti came in from the heat into the air conditioned camper.

"Yup. It's pretty nice. So why'd we have to prove that we are Nebraksan." I asked.

"Cause. In Nebraska we're like family so...ya. You wanna hide you accent around them boobs." She said to me. That kinda insulted me.

"You mean hide who I am?" I asked harshly.

"No, Niall I don't mean it like that. I mean just your accent so you can stay." She wrapped her arms around my waist and looked up at me with her pretty blue green eyes.

I nodded and she smiled. She pecked my lips and headed into the bedroom and shut the door. I turned back to the door and walked out.

"Guys!" I yelled over to the lads.

"We are supposed to hide our  accents so we can stay." I told them. They nodded and mummbled their whatevers. 

I heard the door shut and Autti came out with towels and other stuff. 

"Ready to swim with the rednecks?" she grinned and ran down the road. I took my shirt off and ran after her. I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder.

"Niall!" she yelled. 

"Nope! I'm not lettin you go!" I ran down to the shore and set her down. The lads followed behind with their girls. Autti giggled and kissed my cheek. She set down the towels and stuff. She kicked her flip flops off.

"Catch me if you can." She ran to the water and dove in. I dove in after her. I came back up and she jumped on my back. She wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I ran to the shore again.

"Louis take a picture!" I yelled to him. He snapped it and uploaded it to Twitter. -The sweethearts <3 @Autti_Shultis @NiallOfficial- 

She walked over to a boat with guys on it. I started to worry they would hurt her. She came back with beers. She smiled and handed me mine.

"Do they know your under aged?" I whispered to her. She shook her head and took a sip. She looked over to find a boat blasting Country Girl (Shake It For Me). She ran over and started dancing. A crowd gathered around her. She did sexy moves and pulled me in with her. I twirled her around.

"FLASH MOB!!!" Louis ran over and started the dance we were doing. The crowd did the same. Autti kicked the sand and turned. She smiled at me and danced more. The song ended and the crowd laughed and clapped. 

"Oh darn. It's over?" Louis asked pouting. 

"Yep Boobear." Harry slung his arm around Louis's shoulders.

"What now?" I asked Autti who was under my arm.

"Trav! Let's load the pontoon in the water." They backed the truck in the water and unloaded it. Autti out her Ipod on and Pontoon came on. She cranked it all the way up and got everyones attention. They all started singing. The girls and lads got on the boat. Hazza and Travis pushed the boat out while Autti backed up. They climbed on and we drove out to the middle by the shore. She pulled the anchor and dropped it down.

"Swimming?" She put her beer down and did a cannon ball in. I smiled and did the same.

I came up and showed my braces. She smiled and dunked me under. 

"So why'd Zayn stay?" She asked.

"He can't swim." I replied. She nodded.

After about 30 minutes of swimming we all went back and left the boat out in the water along the beach. 


Hey!! I'm so addicted to writing on here I'm gonna write another chapter right now so  this is not the end for a while!

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