Chapter 32

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My dad is off to Colorado for a week. Wish him luck! Ok so heres the next part. READ ON!


I could tell something was wrong but I didn't say anything. Wind hit my face as I poked my head out the window lifting the light to the field. The cool breeze was nice on my face, refreshing. I pulled myself back in next to Autti who was driving and shining the spotlight at the same time. Multi tasker? We drove over a bridge when One Way or Another came on the radio. I reached my hand over to the knob to turn it up. Louis and Eleanor were with us. We had taking a few more vehicles than we had planned. Me and Louis sang our parts while the girls sang the others. Autti was an excelent singer along with El. It was unbeleivable that we had been together for more than 5 months. I was happy with her. More happy than I've ever been, but she has changed since we first met. She's become more like El and Danielle. Proper, a lady, like the girls in Europe. Just not when she was back home in the country. Here, she was wild and outgoing.

"Deer on my side." She said over the music. We all looked over to see does and bucks. It was fun spotlighing. Autti had had Pup along on tour with us so she was complete. I then pointed to 2 little lights. Eyes.

"Racoon." I said with my Irish accent a little thick. Autti hit the brakes coming to a stop. She ran out with Pup following behind her. I looked back to Eleanor who was shocked. I just laughed at her response. 

"What?" She yelled, "That was strange!" 

"She does this. It's the fun!" I exclaimed excitedly.  Louis just sat there quietly fiddling with his hands. 

"Is there something wrong Lou?" I asked curiously. He looked up shaking his head. El rubbed his shoulder. I felt the cars weight shift and Autti was back in with Pup. 

"Get it?" I asked. Her cheeks were bright red.

"No. Damn that coon." She said with her Nebraskan accent coming back. I laughed at that but she thought her voice was normal. She rolled her eyes gripping the wheel tightly. I looked down at her shit which had a rip in the pant leg. 

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"F-ing coon got me." She said, "I'll clean it up when we get back." 

I nodded leaning back in my seat still worried. We drove down the dirt road to the highway. We crossed and pulled into the drive.

"Holy shit! Look at all them deer." She shined the light into the pasture. Pup came to the front looking out. Autti pulled her hand back in. The door squeaked as it opened and Pup jumped out to chase the deer. After her fun Autti honked and Pup ran in. The others had pulled up behind us and watched. The car drove foward up the steep hill. The house was lit up in the dark. I could see inside to see a woman. Her hair was brown and she was skinny. She looked to be middle aged about in her 40s.

"Moms here. Wonder why." Autti said. I have never met her mom, ever. We drove down the other side of the hill and parked in the garage. We all got out to here the garage door shutting behind us. Louis got out behind me patting my back. Autti's mom ran down the stairs, puffy eyed but with a smile on her face. She ran to Autti and engulfed her in a huge hug.

"Hon. I missed you so much!" She said. 

"I missed you too mom. Why are you here." Autti pulled away balancig on one foot.

"Just visiting to see how your doing. What happened?" Her mom looked down at her leg which was bleeding soaking through her pants. 

"Dang coon." We she didn't cuss in front of her mother. Good girl, "Why are your eyes like that?" 

Her mother looked over to Kyla who shook her head. 

"We'll talk about it soon enough." She replied putting her arm around Autti, "Lets get that cleaned up." 

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