Chapter 7

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I looked over to see Louis randomly calling Kevin the king of carrots. I just laughed and turned back to Holly. She was tall and brown with a white mark in between her eyes. I got on her left side and hoisted myself up on top of her.

"Nice job. Have you ridin a horse before?" Autti asked.

"Uh yea, at a fair once." I was kind of embarrased.

She just nodded and turned back to Niall.


Autti was telling me how to put a bridle on Dean. He was tall and black. Without any white on him. I walked over to his left side and put my foot in the sturup. I pulled myself up and looked down at Autti. She looked impressed. She walked over to Star who was white with brown speckles and blonde hair. She suited Autti. They were both beautiful. 

Autti climbed up on the horse and patted her neck. "Louis, quit calling Kevin the Carrot King and get on him."

Louis nodded and climbed abord. As did Liam and Harry. We were ready. 


I tapped Star's sides and she started to walk ahead. 

"Ok, watch me. Be careful." I tapped her sides harder and she started to gallop. The boys followed. We rode down the drive way and I turned north towards the river. I tapped Star again and she started to run. 

"RACE!!!" Louis yelled, "GO KEVIN GO!!!!!!"

I laughed and felt the refreshing wind against my face. Niall came up beside me and smiled. I kicked Star harder and I raced ahead. We ran past the old oak tree. I won! I slowed down and looked back to see the boys racing up behind me. I stopped and turned back to Louis.

"Dang it! And I was hoping Kevin was as fast as a cheetah." He pouted and walked next to me. The rest of the boys came up beside us and slowed down.

"Thats a pretty good horse. Have you ever entered her in racing?" Harry asked.

"Umm...No I don't think I'd like it." I replied back.

"Why?" Niall looked at me from behind Louis.

"Just cause. Anyways, are gonna go on the river trail." I turned down a muddy road. It had rained last night. I went down a steep path and found the wooden posts. I got off Star and tied her to the post. The boys did the same. Niall was the first done and came up beside me. We walked towards the river. I didn't tell the boys we would be swimming. 

"So, what now?" he asked. 

"We are gonna swim." I grabbed his hand and we walked to the side of the river. I took off my tank top. Don't worry I had a swimming suit under. I turned to Niall who was blushing bright red.

"Well we gonna swim I or not?" I asked and walked in and felt the mud squish between my toes. I got into the deep part and went under. I felt the warmth of the water engulf me. I came back up and turned to see the boys taking off their shirts and jumping in. I then felt something touch my leg. I screamed and it pulled me under. I came back up and Zayn stood behind me laughing his ass off. 

"You jerk!!" I pushed him and he went under. Niall then swam over to me and I climbed up on his shoulders and I dunked him in. I wrapped my legs and arms around him and I felt him grab on to my legs. 


I felt Autti wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I grabbed on to her legs and hoisted myself up and I started towards shore. I heard Autti laughing and she hugged me tighter. I spun around and around.

"Woah there! I'm dizzy!" she giggled.

I heard the lads cooing and making kissy sounds. I just rolled my eyes. Autti got off my back and I turned to her. She just giggled and kissed my cheek. I felt another buzz and I grabbed her and turned her around and gave her a huge bear hug.

"Niall!!" she laughed and and I let go and she ran towards Liam. She jumped on his back and she plundged him under.

I think I was falling for this girl.

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