Chapter 30

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Ok so 30th chapter yay! I know its going pretty slow but I want it to be a long story. So READ ON!


We sat in the tour bus flipping through the telly. I couldn't find anythin to watch so I just looked over the movies.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked Autti.

"Brave?" She asked in a fake Scotish voice. I chuckled a bit but agreed. I put it in and sat on the couch next to Autti. She layed her head on my chest. I could feel she was tense so I moved and she loosened up. Today was our 5 monthaversery and I wasn't sure if it was a big deal. Just in case I didn't plan anything huge. I just told the boys to stay in their rooms for the night so me and her could have alone time. I was planning on making some dinner and just relaxing. I thought to myself just let Autti be herself tonight. 

"So. Today is our 5 month anniversery and I wasn't sure what to do." She then cut me off.

"I've been wondering when you'd bring that up. So what do you have in mind?" She looked up at me with those bluish greenish eyes I adored.

"We could just stay in and watch the telly with some mac and cheese?" I gave her a why not look. She smiled and nodded. She sat up and I did as well. I went to the kitchen and started on the mac and cheese. 

A few minutes later I walked back with 2 bowels in my hand. I admit I'm not the best cook in the world but this tasted amazing. I handed her one bowel and kept one to myself though I could have ate both of them. 

"So what are the boobs doing?" She had a new nickname for the lads which I liked. 

"I told them to stay in their rooms." I replied and she laughed a bit at that one. She nodded still looking at the telly. The wisps were on the screen and she shuttered when they made a sound.

"What?" I asked half smiling.

"They're so creepy." She replied. I started to laugh.

"I love you." I said out loud. I was worried about how she's react. She looked at me biting her lip. 

"I love you too." That was my idea of a perfect reaction.


He said he loved me! Perfect timing. The movie ended and I was cuddled up in Nialls warmth. I looked up at him and he looked sleepy. It was almost midnight.

"So how is this going to work? Me live with you or you live with me?" I asked suddenly hoping I wouldn't be too straight forward.

"Well I don't want to be away from you so I don't know. Why?" He asked me. 

"Well my uncle is selling his, amazing I might add, house on top of a hill and I really want it. He would sell it to me cheap. This includes the land which is 90 acres. I just don't want to be in Nebraska while your in London. I don't want a long distance relationship." After that rant he gave me a look telling me he was trying to decide. 

"I don't want to be away from you. And that deal does sound amazing. I will live with you." His Irish accent made it even more memorable. I pulled him into a huge bear hug full of warmth and love. He pulled away and his lips met mine. I kissed him back gentley then a little more rough. After all the great times in my life, this was deffinantly the best.

A few days later we went around the country filming the music video for One Way or Another. It was the funest time in my life! My favorite part was them hip thrusting. Niall didn't do it as good because it was embarrassing for him in front of me.

In a few months we were going to Ghana to help the children there. I was excited but I was even more excited to go home!


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