Chapter 28

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Hey yall! Follow Niall's account @niall_horan1   Heres the rest of the story! READ ON!


We got up to my room and walked in to find Harry and Zayn on a bed. They were on their phones texting or something. They looked up at us as we walked in.

"Hey." Harry said waving a little.

"Hey. We're hungry so we gonna order some pizza." Autti told them. They just said whatevers and kept texting. I got on my laptop to open Twitter. I entered in a tweet. 

-Me and Autti gonna get some pizza! YUM.- I got some coments saying I should go to their houses and other crap. I just shrugged and closed my laptop. Autti was ordering room service. 

"Get some pie." I mouthed to her. She smiled and nodded quickly probably thinking that would be awesome. She hung up the phone and walked towards me on the bed. She collasped beside me sighing.  I had my arms spread across the bed expecting her to cuddle. She did what I thought and cuddled into my shoulder. I started to play with her now blonde curly hair. I twirled it around my finger a couple times.

"Justin was nice." She said snapping me out of my trance.

"Yup." I replied not really paying much thought.

"My friend Brittney is into him." She replied. I thought about that.

"You heard of him?" I asked in a surprised tone. She nodded on my shoulder.

"Well yeah. I'm not completly cut off from the world. I was pretty much screaming on the inside." I chuckled a bit at the thought of her doing that. 

"Louis had to take me outside to scream the first time I met him." I was then interupted by Harry.

"Here is Louis's impression." He raised his phone to her face showing her his imression of me. I started to feel hot in my face. Autti laughed and looked up to me. I made a wierd face trying to cover up the fact I was embarrased but she just slapped me playfully. I grabbed her hand as she pulled it away. 

"You do not slap this face." I pointed to my cheek. She rolled her eyes playing along.

"Whatever." She pulled her hand away. We heard a knock on the door and heard someone yell room service.

Zayn got up to open the door. A man with the cart came in with the pizza, pie, and mashed potatoes. I looked to Autti who smurked up at me.

"Thanks babe." I kissed her forehead and got up to the end of the bed. The man left the cart at the end so I could eat off of it. Autti came and sat beside me and we dug into our delicous food.


I walked back to my room with a smile on my face. I had such a great night with Niall. It was amazing how he would do all that for me. The elevator opened and Eleanor walked out with Louis by her side.

"Hello." Louis said waving. I nodded knowing they were going to kiss goodnight. I figured they'd need privacy so I opened the door to our room. I looked to find Danielle and Liam making out on the bed. They stopped suddenly knowing I was there.

"Hi." Liam blushed. I covered my mouth with my hand and let out a little giggle. Ok, a huge giggle. Danielle blushed and made Liam get up. He started to walk past me but I grabbed his arm.

"You get em tiger." I said trying to keep a straight, serious face. He turned even redder but nodded and walked forward. I closed the door before I lost the seriousness and started laughing my ass off. 

"Oh stop. Like you and Niall have never made out before." I punch my arm lightly. 

"Actually, we haven't." I sat next to her.

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