Chapter 6

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I woke up in a bed upstairs. Last night we came inside and Autti showed us to our rooms. I was in a room with Liam and Zayn. Louis and Harry were in a different room. I got up and I smelled Bacon!!!! Yes! I walked down the hallway to the stairs. I listened and I heard Autti singing. I walked down the stairs and as soon as she heard me she stopped singing. That told me she was shy. I reached the end of the stairs and headed to the kitchen. I looked to see Autti by the stove and Pup looking up at her begging for bacon.

"Good morning Nialler." she smiled and flipped the bacon over.

"Looks good." I said. She looked up at me and smiled, "Thank you I try."

I laughed and sat in a swively chair. "I heard ya singin. Your pretty good."

"Oh that?" she blushed, "I don't think I'm that great."

"No, no. Your good. Trust me I know." I winked at her.

"Ya know, I though Harry was the flirt." she tended back to the Bacon.

"Actually I can be a very big flirt." I replied, "But I'm very shy."

"Me too. I may seem very confident but I'm not." she got out a plate and layed the bacon on it. She brought it over to me and smiled.

"Thanks. Pancakes?" I was hungry as always.

"I've got something better." She reached up into the cabnet and pulled out a waffle maker.

"Oh ya! I haven't had waffles in a really long time since I was like 13." I said.

"Well I'm make mine grandma style." She got out the mix and started up the maker.

I heard the boys coming down. Then I heard Louis yell BACON!!!! He ran down the stairs and came into the kitchen and sat next me and reached for my bacon. I swatted away his hand away. He made the hissing sound like a cat. Autti reached over and gave Louis bacon and he dug right in.


These boys. I watched as they ate their waffles and bacon. Niall had his mouth full of waffle. I thought it was kinda cute in a weird way.

"So what are we doing today?" Louis looked up at me. I then noticed I was staring at Niall but I looked away.

"Like I told you last night, it's a surprise. So guys once your done go upstairs and change into the clothes you can get dirty." I got up and walked up the stairs to my room.

I dug through my clothes and found some Buckle jean shorts I could afford to get dirty. I looked over to my cowboy boots and put them on. I found a tank top and put it on. I went to my brothers room where Niall, Zayn, and Liam were staying and dug through the cabinet to find my brothers old riding pants. I looked at the top of the cabinet and found his picture from prom. I thought about how I missed my brother so much.

"Love you." I whispered to the picture as if it were a real person. I felt a tear roll down my face and then Niall came walking through the door.


I walked in to find Autti crying looking down at a picture.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She looked startled. She nodded and wiped the tears away from her eyes.

"Ya. I'm fine." She smiled and put the picture she was holding back on top of the cabinet. When she walked out of the room I got the picture down. I looked to see a boy wearing a suit with a girl with a prom dress on.

I put it back and changed into my clothes. Zayn and Liam walked in about a minute later.

"When I came in Autti was crying over a picture." I told them.

"Where's the picture?" Liam asked. I pointed at it and he picked it up, "Didn't she say she has a brother?"

"Ya, so?" I asked.

"I think this is him."


Niall caught me crying over my brothers picture. God how embarrassing. My brothers dead if ya haven't figured that out.

About a half an hour later they came down and were ready. Niall just made an apologetic smile at me. He knew. I avoided the subject.

"K. Ya ready?" I asked. Walked out the door with Pup by my side and my pistol on my hip. 

"Autti! Please tell us what we are doing!" Louis yelled.

"We're going for a ride. Follow me." I said and I walked to the north. Pup ran ahead distracted by a squirrel. I could feel eyes on me as I walked. I turned around and walked backwards facing the guys. They stopped and stood there like a whole herd of dorks. I smiled and just kept moving til we finally got to the horses stalls.

"Now let me show you how a real country girl does it." I opened the stall to my favorite horse, Star.  

"Boys meet my girl Star." As they started petting her I put the sattle blanket and sattle on and strapped it up. Then I got the bridle off the post and put it on her.

"Ok now to give you each your own to ride. Niall your on my 2nd favorite horse Dean. He and Star are soul mates. Louis your on Kevin..."

"KEVIN!!!!!" Louis interrupted me. I rolled my eyes and moved on.

"Liam, your on Woody. Zayn your on Holly. And Harry your on Harley." I helped them all put saddle blankets, saddles, and bridles on. And we were ready.

Everything About You (A Niall Horan Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora