Chapter 35

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Remember to read loveniall12's fan fics!


After we went down that dirt road I got out of my truck. I knew the others were crowded and Niall needed someone to help look with him. We drove up the road to a bar with many cars parked around it. I saw a truck that looked fairly familiar. A head was in the back window, making a feeling in the pit of my stomach. The truck moved back and forth probably someone was doing it. The truck was a brownish type of color and was biffed up. The tires towered over the road. Niall drove around the back and I saw the license plate. Recognizing the plate I grabbed Niall's arm in fear. Travis.

"That's Travis." Was all that came out of my mouth. Niall's grip tightened on the wheel and he swerved around to the side of the truck. Not bothering to shut our truck off he opened the door hitting Travis's in the process. I sat there stunned, in wonder of how bad he'd hurt Travis. I opened my door as well and got out as Niall opened the door. I looked at what I saw shock. Travis was raping Autti. Niall yelled a string of curses and grabbed Travis's shoulders and pulled him out of the truck. He started throwing punches while I stood there, staring at the lifeless looking Autti. Her head was laying on her cheek facing the drivers seat. Deciding to take action I ran over to the open door. Niall was now the one getting punched but I knew I had to get my best friend out. I ran to the other side of the truck where her head was and jumped into the back seat and grabbed under her shoulders. I pulled her into my arms and lifted her out with all my strength. She woke a little and helped herself stand for a second while I got her pants up. I was worried about her. She fell into arms again going sleep. She's either drunk or drugged. Maybe both. I moved her flimsy body against the tire and went around to the side of the truck. I looked to see Niall getting up from the gravel lot. He wiped his face which was bloody and beaten. He was becoming tougher by the second. He walked over towards me looking up with a stern look, obviously still angry. Travis lay in the road bloody and unconscious. Niall stood over Autti and picked her up bridal style, wincing a bit. Her body looked frail in his arms. Her head was laying back once again. I walked over to the truck and opened the back door for them. Niall got up and layed her in his lap. He gave me a saddened look and I saw tears rolling down his cheeks. I choked on mine and they fell. I slammed the door behind me and jumped in Niall's driver seat.I reversed the truck knowing I was dripping tears on my jeans.

I let the heat come out out of the vents and blast on my feet. It was winter and I hated it. I tried taking my mind off of what we just witnessed. It just happened so damn quick. I pulled out of the lot quickly being sure not to get caught. I sped down the road as fast as we could. I heard my phone go off and I pulled it out of the cup holder. Kyla.

"Hey. We found her. Get home quick." At that I hung up my phone and drove faster. The truck was silent with the occasional sniffling from behind me. I drove up Autti's road and turned into her drive. I drove fast flying over the hill. I didn't have time to stop in her garage so I just parked I front. I wanted to get her inside safe, but Niall was already taking care of that. I rested my head on the wheel knowing Niall got the door open. I huffed and started balling my eyes out. How could Travis do that? Rape her? Never would he take it that far. Oh wait. He just did. I heard the Impala's engine as it pulled in the drive. Kyla stopped next to me not remembering that it wasn't her car. Her, Liam, Danielle, and Harry got out quickly. The Impala had 4 doors which was pretty nice for that model. I decided to get out and talk about what happened, not in front of Niall. I opened the door and jumped down.

"They're inside. Let me explain."


I layed Autti on the bed a couple hours ago. Everyone went to find the police and Travis except Kyla. I sat on the couch staring off into the hills of Nebraska. They were beautiful going for miles beyond. The sun was now setting and I wasn't hungry. I hadn't eaten anything almost all day. I can't remember the last time ate. Not like me, I know.

Kyla was sitting in the chair beside me typing away on here phone. Where the hell was Teresa?

"Where's her mom?" I spoke up. The first words I've spoken since I got beaten. I had taken a shower and cleaned up after that.

"Shopping probably. How's your eye?" She pointed to the black eye I had gotten.

"Hurts like a bitch." I replied playing with my fingers in my lap. My phone buzzed and I looked to see my Twitter was crazy. Full of mentions and just other crap. Zayn had tweeted -Stressful day. Christmas come soon.- I had completely forgotten Christmas was coming up. Autti was going to meet my family for the first time. Then we're off to Ghana. I clicked on Louis's tweet which was something about loving Autti. That's what the rest of the lads had tweeted.

"Do you want to eat?" Kyla asked.

"Not hungry." She gasped at my response.

"No. I'm not taking that load of shit Niall. Your eating." She got up from her chair and went to the cabinets in the hall. I rolled eyes in her assertiveness. I looked over to see her holding up a macaroni box from around the corner. Her head poked out and I nodded. She smiled satisfied with herself. This was going to be a long night before Autti wakes.


Thanks for all the votes, comments, and reads! Read Vote, Comment, And RECOMMEND!!!!! Sorry I know I said I would update at 10000 but I needed something to do. :)

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