Chapter 34

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Remember to read Syd's fan fic! And read my new one! If you haven't seen Terra Nova look it up on Netflix. Best show. Also I'm changing the name of this story so... READ ON!!!!!!!

P.S. I am writing this chapter for the 2nd time since the first was deleted accidentaly so it better be good!


My feet were crossed on the top of the table steadying myself in my chair. The fire was going to my right. I felt the heat radiating off my skin. The log cabin creaked whenever the wind blew. I hadn't slept a wink all night. Whenever I felt like I needed to I told myself stay awake though I didn't know why. I tryed to keep my mind off of my dad. Why couldn't Niall have told me? Really I couldn't be mad. It wasn't his fault. Though I couldn't be mad at mom either. A tear slipped down my face at the thought. 

My dad was amazing. He had stayed with me through everything but he started drinking after Jaimie died. He had taught me how to hunt and was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. My mind raced with memories and thoughts making me cry even harder. I couldn't stay here. I'd hunt all day til it was time for the bar to open. Then I'd go drink my sorrows away. Get drunk not feel. Not remember. 


Remember to read Syd's fan fic. And my new one! Changing the name of this one also!!!


It was 6 by then so I decided to get dressed in more appropriat clothes for hunting. I walked to my room which was pretty nice and not rat infested. The whole cabin was actually really nice. It'd been there since I was little but we kept it pretty well up. I was finished changing into jeans and boots with a t-shirt and a camo jacket. I walked out onto the porch which was cold but sealed off from the wind. I grabbed my bow knowing it'd have less of a chance of shooting someone. I had arrows in the holder on it. My dad gave it to me. That made another tear slip. Niall then raced through my mind but I tryed to block that out. We should talk later I thought to myself. I opened the door to the porch releasing myself from the cabins grip. 


I got up at 5 that morning. I made coffee and I walked to the black piano not thinking about it. I wanted to write a song for Autti. I sat on the bench concentrating on the keys. I looked up at the holder to find a notebook. Knowing I could write the lyrics in it I grabbed it off the holder. I took the pencil from the other side of me. I started writing the lyrics down not wanting anyone to see them til they were done. I wrote for an hour until I heard footsteps from over by my room. Teresa came walking out in her robe. She had puffy eyes now that I think about it so did I. I just closed the notebook and got up to greet her. 

"So how about we decorate today?" She asked pouring herself some coffee. I nodded solemly. She slid a cup across the counter. I sat on the stool and wrapped my oddly cold hands around the mug. 

"I miss her." I said. 

"Well you know, Kyla never could get that girl out of the woods. But the only person who could was Sydney. I don't know why, but she really helped Autti. They had a bond. A very special one. Give her a call." She whispered.

"Sure. Later." Not many words came out of my mouth. I felt depressed. Teresa just gave me a small smile. 


I had been called out to the new house, knowing that Autti was in the woods and I needed to get her out. Our friendship was great. I could always help her through whatever she was going through. I pulled up to the house at 4 in the afternoon. Late I know. But I had to get ready. I wore jeans with a cute ruffly shirt. My cowboy boots moved under my jeans as I walked up the front steps. I had my hair tied back in a french braid. I had on some mascara but I never really liked wearing make up. 

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