Book 2 - Chapter 6: Psychopath

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- What is going on?

Diluc asked, holding Jean's hand.

- Well...

Jean then explained everything. Diluc just listened and nodded.

- Seems like Venti revived another person.

Diluc came to a conclusion. Jean shrugged and then took a book and sat on the couch.

- Jean.

- Hm?

-  You might want to see this.

Diluc gestured her to look outside. 


Donna had broken out of the Monstadt dungeons and now she's holding a dagger. Suddenly, she spotted Jean.

- Shoot!

Jean ducked. Donna glared at her and raced to the Dawn Winery door.

- Diluc~ dearie! Open the door! I have something to give you!

- No!

Diluc yelled. He grabbed his claymore, and Jean unsheathed her sword. The door then burst open.

- You!

Donna then lunged at Jean. Jean side-stepped and her sword clashed with Donna's dagger.

- Oh~ seems like someone has improved~

Donna stepped on Jean's foot. Jean yelled in pain and fell. Before Donna could raise her dagger, Diluc slammed the hilt of his claymore onto Donna. She blacked out cold.

- Jean! Are you alright?

Tears were running down her cheek, and she was clutching a bleeding foot.

- N-no! I'm not okay!

Diluc carried her to the bedroom and summoned many doctors to help treat her foot. While they were doing that, Diluc went to Keqing's room and asked her to watch Jean.

- What happened?

- Jean has an injured foot, that's all.

Keqing rushed to Jean. Diluc then went downstairs. He grabbed Donna, and as much as he hated it, he carried her all the way back to the guards.

- Can't believe you knights let a psychopath get loose.

The guards quickly alerted the other guards and they all carried Donna back to her place. The dungeons. Diluc then sprinted back to the Dawn Winery. He went into the bedroom and saw that Jean has already been healed. 

- Thank Barbatos!

Diluc cried. He gripped Jean's hand while Keqing smiled, watching the two. 

- I am so sorry I didn't act sooner. You wouldn't have that injury if I protected you.

- I don't need you to protect me, Diluc. I can protect myself you know?

Jean said softly. Diluc felt guilty. Jean played with Diluc's hair, and then dozed off.

- You should leave her to rest.

Keqing said, standing up to leave. Diluc nodded and went downstairs as Keqing walked back to her room.

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