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Autumn arrives with a gentle breeze

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Autumn arrives with a gentle breeze.

The trees are turning red, blooming with different kinds of red, orange and yellow. With every breeze past by, leaves flew down like snow. The road is covered with fallen leaves, the crunches when stepping on it is the music of autumn.

The town is full of happiness. Every family decorates their home with pumpkins and little light bulbs, enjoying their time with their child and neighbours. Kids running down the street chasing after their pet doggy, the old grandma of the town holding a huge broom sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground.

Taehyun walked past the streets with his father. It's a wonderful weather but there's no joy on the boy's face. There's never joy on the boy's face.

The two walked in silent. They walked past a family decorating their gardens with pumpkins, a girl playing with her doll at the side of the road, a group of children playing in the playground happily and loudly. They didn't stop their track, walking straight away from the lively town.

Their surroundings became lifeless. Abandoned houses and yards can be seen everywhere. But it's not their destination.

They walked down to the town just to send Taehyun into the school at the end of the town.

It's a famous school, only the top students can get into the school. The campus located at the middle of the hill, which Taehyun looked up and felt disgusted.

The school is now near, Taehyuncan observe it closely. It's like a old castle, giving out cold and harsh vibe. Grey brick walls covered with vine, huge reddish flags with the golden school badge on it. Pinnacles which its steep rears far into the sky, and the huge wooden gate blocking the fresh air away from the school. Blocking the freedom of the boy away from him.

Taehyun cannot handle looking at the school anymore. He felt sick when he land his eyes on it. He turned away his gaze to the top of the hill. The house of the witch. The house that everyone is talking about, that everyone tells their child not to get close to it.

It's a bit blurred in the fog, but Taehyun can tell it's well built. Warm red brick walls with plants decorated all around it, small smokes flowing out from the chimney shows its liveliness. There's a little farm next to it, he cannot see what's in it but probably some sheeps and chickens. There's a huge area of flower around the house, yellow and purple and blue, all different colour's of beautiful flowers. It's more attractive then the damn school.

What the adults tell him, is that, don't go near to that lovely place.

"It's not as beautiful as you saw." Taehyun's father once said. "The witch is evil. He's not allowed to the town because we're afraid that he'll harm our town."

"His house is cursed. He made it so cute and lovely just to attract innocent children like you and kidnap them. The witch himself is cursed."

It's how the parents tell their child about the witch. The witch was cursed, he's a nightmare and should be keep away from the town. He's dangerously cruel.

Even if Taehyun never see the witch, he can imagine how ugly and horrible the witch looks. It's a stereotype of the witch for every children.

Taehyun looked away from the house when his father place a light tap on his shoulder.

"Go inside. The principle is waiting for you. Behave well." He spoke in a cold tone. He didn't even bother to hug his son before turning and leave.

Taehyun watched his father faded away at the end of the road before turning back to look at the school.

Let's get in I guess?

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now