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They enjoyed the picnic. They had some sandwiches and fruits Soobin prepared, shared some chips and biscuits while playing board games. The day is filled of laughters.

They also spent some time playing in the river. The blossoms are right next to the river they accidentally discovered, and they found it more beautiful with blossom petals floating on the river.

The five spent their time playing and finally night arrives. Soobin set a huge table with a feast. They enjoyed dinner under the moonlight and the blossoms.

The meal is a chef kiss, it's prepared by Taehyun and Soobin. After stuffing themselves full with delicious food, they lit a campfire and started to sing.

Beomgyu brought his wooden guitar and started playing. Following the music the five started to sing. One following by one the boys slowly fell asleep, and there's only Taehyun and Soobin who's awake.

Soobin rest his head on Taehyun's shoulders as the younger hugged him closer. He sat on Taehyun's lap, eyes watching the flame of the campfire. It gives him warmth but it's also haunting him.

To shrug off his thoughts, Soobin put his focus on Taehyun. The younger looked gorgeous under the flicker of the flame light.

Soobin took a deep breath. Soobin, take out your courage. Just say that three words, it's just three words. "Hyun, I-"

When Soobin was about to confess, the two heard a snicker. Yeonjun woke. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "You two are not asleep yet? Great, let's carry this two back to Soobin's house so that we can sleep."

"O-oh, ok" Taehyun get up and pull Soobin up from the ground. Soobin sigh when Taehyun walked over to help Yeonjun.

Soobin carried their things, when Yeonjun carried Beomgyu and Taehyun carried Kai they started to walk home.

"Oh yes, are you telling me something earlier at the camp fire?" Taehyun remember the older is about to say something before Yeonjun woke and ask for help.

"O-oh, it's nothing."

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now