Yeonjun again

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"So, Yeonjun hyung."

"What?" Yeonjun was confused. Taehyun dragged him into the washroom, without the other two.

"You know Soobin hyung?"

"Oh, he told you. Finally" Yeonjun let out a laugh. "You never tell me that you know the witch."

"Hm, I can explain that. Do you want to follow me to Soobin's house this Friday? We can stay there for weekends." "Of course" Taehyun nodded immediately. "Let's get out first, Gyu and Kai must be waiting for us in the cafeteria."

The two entered the cafeteria and saw Gyu and Kai already sitting at one of the tables. Kai noticed the two and waved "hey Yeonjun hyung! Taehyun! This way!"

Yeonjun and Taehyun exchanged a look before approaching the two. They both know that they can't leaking the secret of the witch in front of those two because- they hated witches.

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now