Another normal day

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"Good morning babies~" Soobin sang as he water the flowers

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"Good morning babies~" Soobin sang as he water the flowers.

Gardening is his everyday routine. He liked to spend his time chilling in his garden, taking care of his baby plants. He especially loved the sunflowers, it's his favourite flower, he cherished them much.

After that he'll go to his little farm. He have a few chickens, sheep and cows kept there. Of course, he won't kill them. Instead, he just pick some eggs from the chicken, and some milk from the cows. The sheep provide him fur to make his own clothes and stuffs.

You may question, why did he do everything by himself? He could just go to the town and buy it from the stores?

But no, he's not welcomed by the town.

The people in the town, they fear witch's magic.

After that day, Soobin moved to the house up on the top of the hill, alone.

It's a day he would never willing to recall. The day that kept appearing as his nightmares for years.


Soobin looked down. moa's next to his feet meowing, probably wanted some rubs from him. Soobin chuckled. He swiped away the sweat on his forehead that he doesn't notice he had sweat a lot and kneeled down.

"I only have you moa~" he picked up the cat, buried his face on the soft tickling fur. It ease his anxiety, gives him the comfort he seek for.

"I only have you moa"

He's whisper is echoing inside the room.

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