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The next weekend, the four went visit Soobin as usual.

They planed for a picnic. Soobin will prepare the food and the four will bring drinks and new board games.

They're so excited. They woke early to get ready and ran up the hill.

There they saw Soobin, standing in his garden as usual, with a warm bright smile on his face. "Hey guys!" He waved to the four, which the four waved back happily.

Soobin ran towards the four and help take the things into the house. They decided to have a picnic in the forest, but before that, they have to pack the food Soobin prepared. They helped Soobin putting the food into the baskets.

Soobin found a place surrounded with blossom trees earlier, he brought them there and Taehyun looked around in awe.

"It's beautiful!"

"Isn't it!" Soobin rise his head, eyes wandering on the beautiful blossoms.

"Yeah, it's beautiful" Taehyun turned his head, his eyes landed on the older's face. He looked so beautiful. A petal fall on Soobin's hair, Taehyun reached his hand out.

"Hm?" Soobin turned to his side when he felt the younger's hand. "There's a petal on you head." Taehyun smiled and picked the petal up with his fingers. "Thanks" Soobin smiled shyly.

"Hey, what are you two doing! Come and eat!" Beomgyu shouted and pulled the two back to reality. They chuckled embarrassingly and joined the three.

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now