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"Ok, Yeonjun you can have your rest of your day. Great job" the coach patted Yeonjun's shoulders.

Yeonjun finished his training early, just as usual. He bid his teammates goodbye before running back to his dorm.

Of course, he's not gonna spend his whole afternoon in his dorm room. Boring. Instead, he decide to visit Soobin.

He changed into his casual clothes and sneaked out. It easy for him, Yeonjun is physically great. Climbing walls and running is just a piece of cake. Yeonjun ran up to the hill without even panting.

There he saw the younger standing in his garden.

"Hey Soobinnie!"

Yeonjun yelled as he approached the younger. Soobin eyed him and happily waved towards him. "Hey Yeonjun hyung! You sneaked out from school again?"

"Yes! I just finished my soccer training." "Are you doing fine in school?" "Or course, I'm doing great." Yeonjun patted the younger's head.

The two sat down on the bench next to the garden. Yeonjun opened his bag and took something out. "Look what I've brought you?"

"A book! Hyung, thanks" Soobin took the book and looked at Yeonjun with sparkling eyes. Yeonjun always brings him different books or snacks when he visit Soobin. Soobin is thankful for that.

"Do you want some tea? I have some honey tea in my house. Oh and I think moa missed you much." "Of course!" Soobin lead Yeonjun into his little house. It's not big, but neat and tidy. Every corner is decorated with little plants and flowers. Soobin spent much time decorating it.

Yeonjun liked the fluffy coach in Soobin's house. He lay on it and there comes moa, the cat jumped on his lap and meowed happily.

Soobin walked back with a tray of honey tea and biscuits. He sat next to Yeonjun on the coach, looking at moa and sigh.

"Moa is a bit mad at me these days."

"What's the reason?"

"I don't know. One night I flew out as usual, and saw a boy."

"A boy?" Yeonjun turned to face the younger. Soobin always shows his dimples when he's focuses, and now he saw the younger's cute dimples popping out.

"Yeah, a boy, at the tower of the dorm I think? He's watching me."

Soobin's fingers was playing with the hem of his clothes. He's recalling the moment in his head.

"He doesn't seems afraid nor disgusted. It makes me curious. And the next night, I picked a sunflower from my garden and put it on his windowsill, because his room seems a bit dull, it'll be better if there's a flower."

"You're always too kind and gentle, Soobin. The boy may have thrown the flower already. You know how the kids in out town hated witches." Yeonjun shook his head.

"Yeah, that's the reason I didn't dare to go check. I didn't fly to the tower anymore." Soobin lowered his head. He have received too many rejections, and he just want to be friendly. He's alone for too long.

"It's ok Soobin, you still have me and hyung right?"

"Yeah, hyung's alway good to me. And also you Yeonjun, thanks."

Yeonjun felt relieved when he sees the younger's bright smile again. The smile that can melt everything.

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now