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"So, the first month in December, right?"

"Yes, if nothing unexpected happens."

The man hummed. He drew a cross on the calendar, right on the date 5th December.

"We're gonna have a peaceful Christmas after this."

"I hope so. If we succeed, we'll be truly safe." Another man, sitting on the coach seems worried. "I'm not as confident. He's powerful."

"I don't think magic can fight over guns and dynamite." The man who just drew a cross on the calendar joined him on the coach. "Right? San?" "I hope so." San sigh.

"Don't worry, I don't think he really have the magic. It's ridiculous." Douhyun rolled his eyes and let out a laugh. "Stupid witches and their magic."

San shook his head. "You should not underestimate your enemies. He's a witch, did you forgot the war long time ago? Although we didn't experience it by ourselves, but we can see how dangerous and evil witches are from the history."

Douhyun lit up his cigarette, he doesn't care. "The last witch will be killed anyways. Just like how we burn those to death a few years ago. After that we can have a great Christmas without any threats and danger. Great plan. And we'll success, the god of victory is on Oporto side. Right?" He turned to the man who's standing at the corner right from the beginning, who's silent all the time and hidden in the dark.

The man nodded. "Yes, of course we'll success." Namjoon said.

The witch _ a taebin fanficWhere stories live. Discover now