Chapter 1

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 ||Disclaimer: This fan fiction includes themes of abuse, sexual assault, and suicide. Reader discression is advised.||

"Well isn't this just a coincidence?" I said with a wink as the song Kiss Me came on through the speakers of the reception hall. I saw Ed's face turn crimson red with embarrassment. Ed was one of my best friends. He was a really good guy who I'd known my whole life. My dad never really liked him, but my mom always thought he was great. I really wish she was still here, the awkward conversation would of been a lot easier to bare with someone other than me at this table who enjoyed Ed's company. But sadly, it was just my dad, my sister Lauren, my sister's date Robert, Ed and me. We had all come together to celebrate the wedding of my best friend Sophie, and Ed's best friend, Harry. Ed was my date for the night. Not my actual date date, my boyfriend Hunter had to work late tonight so I asked Ed to come with me so I wouldn't seem like a loner.

"oh shut up" Ed said playfully. I gave him a grin which soon turned back to my default frown after I realized that everyone at our table was staring at us without a trace of amusement. I glanced around the reception. There were a few couples slow dancing on the dance floor, but not many. We sat in the terrible awkward silence for a moment before the bride herself swooped in to save the day in our moment of need.

"hello!" Sophie said, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Hello love!" I said with a smile. Sophie looked absolutely stunning, she had changed from her beautiful wedding gown to a slimming white cocktail dress with diamond accents at the sweet heart neckline. Her bleach blonde hair was down and curled, and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle under the huge chandelier that hung above us.

Ed smiled up at her, "hello Mrs. Styles!" he said. I knew Sophie would be blushing but the makeup she had on concealed it.

"I didn't expect you to go all out," Sophie began to Ed "you're not much of the suit type!". It was true, Ed was more of a T-shirt and jeans guy...who am I kidding? That's ALL he wore. Tonight though, he looked wonderful! He was in a black suit with a slim tie. His fiery red hair still looked messy, but it was almost organized chaos.

"only for you!" Ed said before taking a sip of his beer. Sophie grinned and rested her chin on the top of his head.

"I must say Sophie, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Lauren said. Lauren had always been a good sister, despite her disliking for Ed, she was only looking out for me. She only disliked him in the slightest bit because he has come to me when he's drunk multiple times, leaving me to take care of him. Other than that, she didn't have a huge problem with him (accept his hair, for some reason she just despised his hair).

"oh thank you! So do you!" Sophie exclaimed. My sister chuckled, she had worn a red cocktail dress and had her carmel brown hair in a curled side ponytail that rested on her shoulder. She really did look nice. I could see Robert, my sisters husband, take Lauren's hand under the table. She gave him a small smile that began to spread when he did the same.

"So how are you feeling?" my dad asked, "still getting over the butterflies?". Sophie and my dad exchanged smiles.

"At this rate, I don't think I'll ever get over the butterflies!" she exclaimed. I laughed, Sophie had always gotten nervous over small things as a kid, I can't imagine how nervous she was to get married! My dad chuckled; I knew that ever since mom died, he had issues with love in anyway and I'm sure a wedding wasn't too helpful. I did love my dad, but he was extremely judgmental. He absolutely hated everything about Ed. I couldn't really decipher why though. No matter what the reason was, he still hated him and it bothered me. A lot.

"Its the Caribbean for your honeymoon, correct?" my dad asked. Sophie nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with being able to say yes. Just as she did, the DJ announced that it was time to "grab our lover and slow things down a bit".

"oh-um, I should probably go get Harry then! I'll talk to you all later!" Sophie said before walking over to her new husband and taking their place on the dance floor.

"come on then!" Robert said, dragging my sister up and walking her to the dance floor.

My dad cleared his throat, "excuse me..." he said as he got out of his chair and made his way to the bathroom. I felt awful knowing he missed my mom so much. I did too but I know it must be especially hard for him. I sighed and crossed my legs. A good 90% of the people were now dancing, leaving Ed and I to be one of the awkward couples that remained in our seats. I looked over at Sophie and Harry slow dancing. Their foreheads were pressed against each others and Harry's arms wrapped around Sophie's waist. I saw Sophie giggle a bit and wrap her arms around his neck. When she first told me she was getting married I was of course excited, but slightly skeptical considering we were only 21. But seeing them now, so happy, I knew that they really did love each other. I wished desperately that Hunter and I were more like them, but when I was with Hunter it was different...I always had to try so hard to be perfect around him. I gave Ed a little glance, relaxing slightly in my seat. At least for now I could be myself. My strange, idiotic, weird self. 

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