Chapter 32

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||Hey guys! So my friend has made a playlist to go with this fic if you'd like to listen to it while you read. It's on 8tracks and I'll leave a link inthe comments!||

For those of you who don't know, I'm about to go to Iceland for 10 days so I'll won't be active then, but i'll probably get some good writing in while I'm gone. Expect a chapter when I get back. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting :)|| 

They didn’t arrest me. I mean they did wasn’t official or anything. They just put me in a holding cell and had me wait for someone to come pick me up. Apparently a woman down the hall saw the whole scene play out and assumed I was a crazy bitch. Despite the fact that I was a crazy bitch under the circumstances, I didn’t think police forces were necessary by any means. I tried to explain to the officer that it was self defense but since technically I had started this particular fight I had to be taken down to the station ‘just to be sure’. 

I didn’t, however, explain that Hunter had abused me. That was for another time. Right now, he was most likely already wanting to kill me. A police case would only add to that. 

So now I was just sitting in an empty cell with lights that were way to bright and an AC that was way too loud. Someone had to come get me since...well since I was homeless. Homeless. That word has such a negative connotation with it. If you don’t have a home you’re automatically a low life bum on the side of the street begging for money. But that wasn’t my case at all. I had places to stay. I had a house. I still technically owned part of that apartment I shared with Hunter. But it wasn’t a home. I couldn’t go back there. Not under any circumstances. The only home I had was wherever Ed was and he- 

“Alright, you get one phone call.” The officer’s words dragged me from my thoughts. I stood from the cold metal bench and followed him to a small phone. Who to call was the question. Sophie’s mum was flying in so they would most likely be doing stuff together. Harry and the boys started up recording again today, I knew that didn’t leave me much of an option. 

I began to dial Ed’s number slowly, thinking over this decision. How would I explain what happened? Would he be willing to come get me? If not, what the hell was I supposed to do? 

The dial tone was loud and harsh. It lingered in long increments with brief pauses in between them until finally they stopped all together. 

“Hello?” Ed’s voice rang. Suddenly I forgot how to speak. I couldn’t think or function, and I wasn’t completely sure why. He was just...there. It was like after these past few days of nothing but absolute hell I finally got the most beautiful comfort in the world and it was in the form of a hello. I wasn’t even speaking in a romantic way. I didn’t need someone to tell me I was beautiful or to bring me presents. I had grown strong enough to know I didn’t need that...but feeling loved is a completely different sensation. There is a difference between needing a man and needing love. The fact of the matter was, I hadn’t felt real love in far too long. When you’re growing up you get it every day from your family and friends...but I had finally felt what it was like to be purely alone, and even the reminder that someone bothered to love me was unmatchable. 

“...Hello?” he asked again, a dash of concern sprinkled in his voice. I tried to answer, but the lump that had formed in my throat was not allowing anything of the sort. 

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