Chapter 34

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||Okay, I just wanted to say you guys leave literally the best comments in the world. You all are so nice and thoughtful and it means a lot to know you guys really enjoy this fic! So as always, thank you to all of you for reading, and a special thanks to those of you who let me know how you feel in the comments! 

In other news: I’m considering updating the cover of this story. If any of you are intrested in submitting your own work for the cover please e-mail them to me at:  I would absolutely loooove to see what you guys have to offer so submit anything! All I require for the cover is the title of the story. My Wattpad username (jojo24601) would be nice, but that’s not something I consider 100% necessary. Submit away my friends! Don’t forget to rate up! LOVE YOU ALL!||

||Also also: I just wanted to let you guys know that theres some mature content in this chapter so if you’re not into that I would suggest you go ahead and skip it! (Calista, if you’re reading this, I’m looking at you!)  :)||

“Hey, where’ve ya been?” Ed sang from the living room as I shut the door. 

“I was turning in applications!”  I responded in an equally as peppy tone. I was really gonna do it. Over the past few days I had been focusing on nothing more than helping myself feel better. I was trying to get a job! Ed stayed home as much as he could and made sure I was getting enough food, and that I was happy. We seemed to be honestly doing okay with just living together as friends. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to get into my own place again, get a job, and really get my life started. 

“Oh yeah, yeah how’d that go?” he asked as he came into the kitchen and helped me out of my coat. 

“I think pretty well.” I smiled. 

He gave me a toothy grin and pulled me into a hug which I didn’t protest. Hugs were nice, and Ed gave good hugs. I knew we weren’t trying to be romantic or anything, but it didn’t have to be a big deal unless I wanted it to be. Which I didn’t. 

“Why don’t we celebrate tonight, then?” Ed asked, pulling his head back far enough to look at me and still keep me in his embrace. 

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

“We don’t have to do anything extravagant. We can just go to a pub with the lads. Have a few drink, it’ll be fun!” He smiled. 

If there was one thing that nearly every british boy liked to do, it was drink. And Ed was no exception to that fact. It didn’t bother me or anything, every time we went out to a pub I always had a great time, I just didn’t know if now was the best time to be doing so. Then again, a few days had passed since my last encounter with Hunter and I was feeling significantly better. I had stood up for myself, which was an improvement of its own, plus now I was getting enough food and sleep. Ed was helping a lot too. He wasn’t pushing me to be romantic with him or anything, we were just..being friendly. Laughing about things, talking. As long as we avoided the subject of our strange break up, things were actually going pretty well between us. Maybe I did deserve a drink. 

“...Ah, why not!” I smiled after a minute. There was really no harm in going out for a night of fun, after all. 

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