Chapter 11

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||GUYSGUYSGUYS!!! OVER 1000 READS!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!! I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Now in other news, this chapter is gonna get kind of saucy if ya know what I mean!!! I will have all of you know that there will NOT be any sex in this fan fiction. Sorry. If you're looking for a porn book go pick up 50 shades of grey or something! Not this manmajamma! Lol ok so without further ado I present chapter 11!||

||Chapter 11||

I woke up to find my head resting on Ed's chest, slowly rising and falling as he breathed. He had a piece of my dirty blonde hair in between his thumb and pointer finger, twirling it. I hazily glanced up at him. He looked down at me and smiled, "good morning!" he said.

I smiled tiredly, "good morning."

"how did you sleep?" he asked as he brushed a few strands of hair out of my face.

"after the nightmare, a lot better."

He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "good. What happened in that anyway?"

I didn't say anything for a moment. I was trying to find the right words that didn't make me seem as scared as I actually was. "it was just Hunter...he hurt you..." was the words that slipped out.

Ed raises his eyebrows, "he hurt me?!" he asked.

I nodded into his chest.

He smiled softly, "I'm alright. Nothing bad is gonna happen to me." he said.

I closed my eyes again. "I know..."

There was a pause that was then filled by Ed asking, "why don't we get you some breakfast hm? It's already eleven!"

I sat up, the pain reliever had wore off. And it was very noticeable. "yeah sounds good-actually do you mind if I take a shower first? I feel like a disgusting mess of nastiness!" I exclaimed.

Ed grinned and nodded, "not a problem at all!"

He pointed to a door, "right through there is the bathroom"

I nodded and got off the bed, not realizing how sore my entire body was. I cringed a bit.

"you ok?" Ed asked, jumping up next to me.

I chuckled, "I'm fine! Just a bit sore that's all."

He looked nothing but concerned, "are you sure?" he asked franticly.

"yes!" I said.

He slowly nodded, "alright I'm gonna have some pain reliever ready for you with breakfast."

I smiled softly, "thank you." I stated as I began to make my way towards the bathroom.

I saw Ed walk towards the bedroom door but stop before be left, "and you're sure you're ok?" he asked.

I looked at him and give him a nod. With that he turned and made his way downstairs.

I stepped onto the white tile floor in his bathroom. It was freezing on my bare feet.

I shuffled to the bathtub that had the shower-head hanging above it. Despite the splints on my fingers, I was able to turn the knob, allowing steaming hot water to begin flowing from the shower-head.

I was about ready to get in when I glanced in the mirror. Oh. My. God. I looked like a mess. My hair was a tangled disaster, the amount of eye makeup I had had been completely ruined and now made me look like a raccoon. Not to mention the few visible bruises that had formed on my face. A black eye and these weird red shapes one on my neck. I couldn't stand to look at myself.

I quickly turned away and peeled off my clothes before stepping into the shower.

I looked down and unfortunately got a good look at myself since "it" happened. Holy shit I was a mess! I could see black and blue bruises all along my arms and legs. My right hip had a yellowish bruise on it and I could see a few cuts. I couldn't believe I let it get this far! I was a idiot. I stupid little whore who had no idea what she was doing. If I had just listened and ended it with Hunter after he hit me the first time none of this would be happening! But of course I was stupid to realize that it would it happen again. And now I had come running to Ed for help! He really didn't need to deal with me! Ugh what was I doing?!

Suddenly Every horrible emotion that had been swirling through my head poured out of me and I began to cry. Hard. Harder than I had ever cried before in my life. Every time a tear fell it just reminded me that I could of stopped all of this from happening. My sobs soon absorbed that thought as well and all I could do was cry.

I suppose my sobs were a bit louder than I thought because next thing I know I hear a knock on the door. " ok?" Ed's voice said.

I couldn't answer. A lump had formed in my throat on top of the sobs that continuously escaped. Even if I could, I didn't want Ed's pity. I never wanted anyone's pity!

The knock grew louder, "Jordan please...".

I slid down the shower wall as my sobs became more separated until I was silently crying minus a few gasps of air.

The knock morphed into a bang, "Jordan please! Are you ok?!" Ed asked franticly.

I turned the water off and grabbed the towel that had been laying on the floor and forced out the word "yeah...".

There was a pause for a moment that was soon replaced by Ed saying, "for gods sake, cover yourself up I'm coming in!"

I sat up, wrapped the green towel around myself before returning to my original laying position. I didn't want to move.

Ed walked through the doors but I didn't bother to look in his direction. I knew it was him. "Jordan..." he said quietly. I looked at my hands and started picking at my nails.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ed walk up to the tub and kneel next to me. I looked over at him slowly. He said nothing, but the blue orbs that were his eyes seemed to be full of sorrow.

I swallowed hard and looked back down, I hated when people felt sorry for me. Especially Ed...I don't know what it was about him but it seemed like he really genuinely cared. Not just some fake expression he puts on. With him it seemed real.

"what's the matter?" he asked.

I said nothing for a moment, searching for the right words to say. "...I can't believe I let it get this far." I eventually said. "I'm such an idiot. I should of left after he hurt me the first time but I was too stupid to realize that he was always gonna be like that. And now I've just run to you for help and..." my voice trailed off.

Ed said nothing for a long moment. "You're not an idiot." he said, "you're not stupid. You had no way of knowing Hunter was going to hurt you. You were scared thats all. There's nothing wrong with being scared."

He gently placed a hand on my cheek and lifted my head until my gaze met his. I leaned my head slightly into his hand, lulled by his touch. His blue eyes flicked with sorrow, making any barrier I had up crumble in an instant.

"and you can always come to me for help."

Ed removed his hand from my cheek, and right when i thought that that was it, he cupped my face with both of his hands and brought our lips together. The sensation caught me off guard and shocked me a bit. Wide eyed, I began to pull back but stopped myself before I could.

As of right now I didn't care about Hunter or being hurt or anything. As of right now I had Ed and that was all that mattered.

I closed my eyes and draped my arms around his neck, causing him to smile into the kiss. I found myself grinning, breaking the kiss for a moment. Ed pressed his forehead to mine and used his thumb to caress my cheek. A shiver darted up my spine, only causing me to involuntarily scoot closer to Ed. The shadow of a smile played on his lips as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. After a moment, his lips still pressed to my cheek, I turned my head towards his, making it a proper kiss.

He adjusted a bit before eventually climbing in the tub with me, all without breaking the kiss but once.

He was extremely gentle with everything he did, but still somehow managed to make my heart race uncontrollably.

Ed pulled back, still keeping his face only inches away from mine. "you are more than whatever Hunter has made you feel like you are. You are the most amazing person and..." he kissed the corner of my lips softly, "there is nothing in this world that would make me believe otherwise."

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