Chapter 20

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||hey hey hey there! Lets not forget to vote up and be besties||

I opened my eyes. 

It was cold. I was laying on a couch. It was Sophie's living room. I felt sweaty. I looked out the window across the room to see it had snowed, making it seem brighter than it was. Slightly blinded from the brightness I was in no way prepared for, I shut my eyes again. I opened them to a squint and looked around the rest of the room. The empty beer bottles from the night before had been picked up, and everything seemed generally normal again. I heard a noise from below me. It was deep and sounded like a snort. I sat up a bit. My entire body ached. I heard the noise again. I shrugged off the pain and continued to sit up, and look over at the floor. 

Right below the couch laid a head of ginger hair, a T-Shirt and camo shorts curled into a ball. 

He didn't actually sleep on the floor did he? Why didn't he go home?! I was with Sophie, she could take care of me. 

Yet there he was, snoring away. 

Harry walked into the living room, he looked exhausted. 

"Hey." I said, rubbing my eyes. "wheres Sophie?" I asked

"Sophie!" Harry called into the Kitchen. 

Sophie came out into the living room, holding a cup of coffee. "Hey, you okay?" she asked. 

I nodded. I did feel better. Last night was terrifying, or at least what I remembered from it. I had just gotten so dark. It was like I was drowning but I could see everyone around me breathing. 

Sophie came over to the couch, stepping over Ed as she did. She smiled down at him, "he refused to leave." she said shaking her head a bit. 

I smiled a little, "he slept on the floor.." I thoguht out loud. 

Sophie laughed a little "I offered him the guest room but he wanted to stay in here." she looked and me and smiled. "He really cares about you" she said, as I wrapped a red knit blanket arounf myself. 

I just shook my head in response, he was insane. 

"so um..." Sophie cleared her throat, "i was doing some research...and studies show that those who experience abusive relationships often go through stages depression." She said. 

I nodded, I had heard about it before. 

"and last night...I think...I don't know you just might want to go to a doctor or something. Its not that I think you're crazy or anything, I really don't, i just ant you to be happy and all good, that all!" She offered me a small smile. 

I knew just as well as her chances were I was depressed. I never wanted to be in the place I was last night again. Though going to a doctor I've never met to talk about problems he really doesn't care about didn't seem pleasant. He really didn't need to know how messed up I was either.   I knew it would be good for me though. I needed it. 

I gave her a smile back "I know, I know." I said "I'll go at some point." 

For now she seemed satisfied with that. She leaned over and gave me a huge hug, "I love you okay?" she said. 

"Love you too." 

Just then, the snoring below us turned to a sharp inhale. Ed's eyes blinked until they were fully open.   He stretched and sat up, looking at us as he did. "Hello." he said. "How are you?" 

I looked at Sophie then back at him, "I feel a lot better than I did last night." I assured him. 

A grin spread across his lips, "thats...awesome." he said, his voice slightly raspy. 

Sophie tried to conceal her grin. "I'll be going then." She stood and made her way back into the kitchen with a "I JUST SHIP IT SO HARD!" 

Ed hopped up next to me as I shook my head with laughter. Oh Sophie. 

"You are feeling better though?" Ed asked, concerned once again. 

I nodded. "Sophie did some research and thinks it might be depression caused by Hunter so...I guess that happened." I began to pick at my nails. 

Ed pulled me into a side hug and kissed my temple. "nothings gonna hurt you" he cooed. 

"Hunter knows where I am now though...he knows I'm staying with you...I-just don't have anywhere to go." I said with a sniff. I would go to my Dad's place, but we didn't have the best relationship and I didn't want to deal with him. My sister would let me stay with her if she hadn't been on an Alaskin cruise. I was stuck. 

Ed stayed silent for a moment, "you could always stay here with Sophie, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." he said. 

"She literally just got back from her honeymoon! I'm not gonna intrude...and even if I could, I wouldn't put her saftey at risk." I sighed. "God only knows what Hunter will do next" I mumbled. 

I could almost see the lightbulb go off in Ed's head. "We could always get you a hotel for days, meanwhile we can get the police involved and they can arrest 'im!" 

I gave Ed a tired smile. What I wanted was to take him and drive far away and have that be it. Though knowing I couldn't do that, I nodded. 

He seemed extremly satisfied with that. 

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